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Page 75: Funeral

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

Poor Jimmy and Jimmy’s mom and Jimmy’s grandma.

43 Responses to “Page 75: Funeral”

  1. ChaosAptom Says:

    dare I say first?

  2. Hadleigh Says:

    I wonder if April wants to shoot baskets with decapitated zombie heads aswell?

  3. Sim^moN Says:

    Yayyy! A comic day after day =D Im eager to check out your update tomorrow (hopefully ;P )

  4. Lydia Says:

    And so it ends. Unless they turn everybody into vampires and pwn it up!

  5. Marieke Says:

    ohh, I just love that… I can imagine that doomsday voice of him impassionately saying ‘anything you want.’

    Swoons. It just keeps getting better and better bobby! Kudo’s to the both of you.

    Poor April though. I think his reply just gave her a pause…

  6. Alex B Says:

    Just give me a chainsaw and I’ll least gone down with a fight. By the way Bobby are Black / Mixed Race people hard to draw for Owen?

    Just seems odd everyone left is White, not a complaint, more of a wonder.

  7. Austin W Says:

    well,just give me a 12 guage and a katana,ill take a couple with me!

  8. Lance Says:

    Hmm, who is it that Math is saying will stop them? And hell, it’s 4 thousand against thirty-one. Fifty-one when including the Vamps, so I’d say putting anyone who reads this there with the weapon of our choice would probably add a 5 per person for the upcoming battle. Also, has anyone noticed that Math said a while ago that April would save them?? He’s pretty fickle about their saviour, isn’t he?

  9. achrin Says:

    graves .. nice and shallow… yep that truck is pointing south if the sun is west…so if mac finds … among other things …candy… and flowers .. and liquor perhaps …it is time to party like tomorrow (or at least later tonight) you’ll be a zombie…. i wonder how well their life saving attempts for Mustache man went

  10. Geoff Says:

    I’ve kept up with this comic from the beginning. It’s wonderful work. I have a question. In the second last panel, it says, “Nothing can stop them except him.” Who the heck is him? The vampire scientist guy? The zombie leader? Mac? I tried to figure it out, but I can’t be 100% sure. Thanks!

  11. Alex H Says:

    Mustache Man must still be alive because there are only three graves or they just through his body with the rest of the rotting zombies i shure hope that is the case or they just left him there because they were to lazy to move his fat body

  12. Adeli Says:

    Well, is in in the U.S. grain basket, right? I don’t think there are many nonwhite folks in like, North Dakota. I like the subtle Jewish military burial style cross.

  13. aquamage Says:

    This is the fastest update I have ever witnessed this is so wicked right on =)

  14. Mewt Says:


    I miss Jimmy. But at least he won’t be a zombie now.



    I mean, again.

  15. Wesley Says:

    Great comic again! Love it.

    – teh me

  16. Jade Says:

    “Anything you want”, eh?

    …’nuff said. I don’t need to elaborate. In fact, this entire post is only pointing out the obvious. ^_^;

  17. Brent Weichsel Says:

    What happened to mac?

  18. Nara Says:

    “..Anything you want- baby” bompchicabompwaawaa….

  19. Lulu Says:

    I like the star of David gravemarker off to the right in the first panel.

  20. Michelle Says:

    thank you thank you for putting in the star of David!

  21. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Just seems odd everyone left is White, not a complaint, more of a wonder.”

    The story is set in Cresbard, South Dakota, which, according to census figures, is 98.6% white —


    So what would be even more odd is if there was a non-white person there. We also haven’t seen all of the survivors up close yet. And the reason the story is set there is because that’s where the school building that my family owns is, where the movie would be shot if I made it myself.

    “Hmm, who is it that Math is saying will stop them? Also, has anyone noticed that Math said a while ago that April would save them?? He’s pretty fickle about their saviour, isn’t he?”


    He’s not, no. He’s referring to The First Zombie, who controls all the other zombies with his mind, and Math thinks April is TFZ’s granddaughter and that she’s the only one who might be able to get TFZ to change his mind and/or get close enough to kill him, since she’s the only living blood relative of TFZ, which, in Math’s mind, is clearly why TFZ has kept this town alive so long, only survivors in America. So if the only one who could stop all the zombies is him, The First Zombie, and if April is the only one who could stop him, then she’s the one who would be saving them. She can’t stop all the zombies, but she’d be saving the humans (and vampires) by giving them a fighting chance by stopping TFZ. And please keep in mind that all of this WILL BE EXPLAINED LATER IN THE COMIC, which is why this is called a SPOILER and not just EXTRA BONUS INFO.

    “What happened to mac?”

    You’ll see him again very soon.

  22. vo Says:

    @Mewt: LOL!

    @Bobby: Are you sure he’s not referring to Chuck Norris? XD

    JK! JK!

  23. aquamage Says:

    Anything…hm maybe its a pick up line? =)

  24. Manwhat Says:

    That Wiki article mentions that Keenspot’s corporate headquarters are in an abandoned school in Cresbard. Were you planning on using that as the set for the movie?

  25. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Correct — have said this many many times, like in my most recent comment here —

    “And the reason the story is set there is because that’s where the school building that my family owns is, where the movie would be shot if I made it myself.”

  26. Brellchild Says:

    Hmmm. Farming country like this means there are pickup trucks all over the place. Farms also mean generally flat territory, or at least terrain trucks can get around in.

    If they really wanted to be desperate they could pack everyone into the vehicles and try to dodge the oncoming horde for a few hours.

    Pointless effort of course, they wouldn’t add more than a few hours at best assuming TFZ really is actively homing the horde in on the humans. But you just *know* somebody is going to suggest it since they also have a pretty darn good zombie detector (or two).

  27. Gregory Brown Says:

    This is one of the best stories I have read in a long time! Good work and keep it coming.

  28. DarkKnight412 Says:

    Sounds like April and Murdo are both going to get a little vampire nookie before the story is done.

  29. Michael Cra Says:

    You know everyone keeps asking about Mac and who is “the one” TFZ or April and you answered that but what im Curious about is Murdo and Val. Murdo kinda had an angry look in his eye but who is he mad at Val, himself, or the zombies (yes of course he is mad at the zombies) but what is he going to ask her to do? for her to die? to kill him? or Make him a vampire so he can be a zombie killing machine?

  30. IGOR Says:

    I wonder did Mac went to get a mini gun or snickers bar?

  31. ... Says:

    oo yeah, payne is coming with the plane!

  32. Mike Says:

    Great Series!
    Very exciting.

    I’m betting he’s going back for candy bars

  33. Homer Simpson Says:

    Awesome comic, thanks!

  34. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Sounds like April and Murdo are both going to get a little vampire nookie before the story is done.

    Very minor spoiler: No, neither of them are.

    Michael: I’ve also answered that many times in past comments. LARGER SPOILER: He’s asking her to turn him into a vampire.

  35. Michael Cra Says:

    HAH! i had a feeling ^_^ thanks bobby. Sorry by the way i should have read the comments from that strip before asking it on this one. Love the Comic and how we can talk with the author and how you respond ^_^

  36. Katticus Says:

    19-21 adults attending the funeral, not counting Math, and it’s an estimate since some of the things that look like heads could be elbows.
    ‘Twas said that it takes 12 or 24 (can’t remember which) hours to be a zombie, so at the least Mustache Man is an hour or two away from it, so he wouldn’t have been buried yet, right? waitasec- is the sun rising or setting? … meh, oh well.
    great page as usual, guys. 🙂

  37. Jeff Says:

    Awesome as usual. Very exciting comic.

  38. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “is the sun rising or setting?”


  39. aquamage Says:

    in the second panel is that a rain drop or is he just sniffing the air for the zombies?

  40. Bobby Crosby Says:

    No rain drops, I don’t think.

  41. Jonathan Says:

    “I wonder if April wants to shoot baskets with decapitated zombie heads aswell?”

    Oh man, that was like my favorite page EVER. Just completely awesome for unexplainable reasons! XD (on a sidenote, now I totally wanna buy a bunch of fake zombie heads and shoot hoops with them on the driveway on halloween =P )

  42. DarkKnight412 Says:

    Well Murdo already got some vampire nookie. Poor April though. No Math lovin’ for her. 😉

  43. Tegu Says:


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