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Page 73: Repopulation

Wednesday, September 12th, 2007

Your downloads have made Last Blood the #2 comic on WOWIO, only trailing Marry Me, another comic that I write. Two other comics that Owen draws are in the top six, WICKEDPOWERED and Sore Thumbs, so we hope you’ll download those as well.

Here’s the basics for those of you new to WOWIO: High quality PDFs of Last Blood with exclusive bonus features are available to download for FREE, and we get 50 cents for every download. Combined, Owen and I have worked on 29 different issues on WOWIO (with the four different comics listed above), so if you were to download them all, that’s like putting $14.50 into our pockets at no cost to you.

The Last Blood issues feature exclusive first looks at new vampires who won’t appear in the comics until later, so sign up (takes less than a minute) and start downloading!

NOTE: WOWIO is currently only available to United States residents, since the ads are targeted to Americans.

67 Responses to “Page 73: Repopulation”

  1. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “there could be many people scattered across the globe that event he TFZ wouldn’t be able to find right?”

    Um, no, NO ONE — that’s a rather large aspect of the story. Vampires can smell blood at great distances, some more than others, and TFZ and Math both can smell extremely far distances, like close to 1,000 miles, including things that are underground and underwater and everything. TFZ has killed absolutely EVERYONE, no questions asked, no one in submarines, no one ANYWHERE except for the ones mentioned in the story. EVERYBODY DEAD. Doesn’t take long, not all that difficult.

  2. Nekokaburi Says:

    I’d have to agree, the ability to sniff out live humans was brought up early as being important. Math said it was how he knew there was nobody alive between a certain two cities at the time, and how they knew there were no other survivors in the US, because they’d travelled all over sniffing for them. He also stated that TFZ has at LEAST some of the abilities he had as a vampire, because he was sniffing out humans and actively hunting them down.

    And once humanity is reduced to a certain level, it would be easy for zombies to wipe them out. Especially if the zombies are coordinated/guided by some unseen, moderately cunning force. Even underground bunkers need some sort of air supply, or food. Nothing stops a horde of a million zombies from simply camping outside waiting for the doors to crack open a little. Or TFZ could order them to block the air vents. Then the people inside have to either stay inside and die, or come out and die.

    Of course, Math did say that he had difficulty smelling the zombies when they went underground…

  3. Vo Says:

    Hey Bobby? Just out of curiousity, Did TFZ go after Mir or did he just figure they’d starve to death and it wasn’t worth his effort?

  4. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Vo: Not sure.

    “Of course, Math did say that he had difficulty smelling the zombies when they went underground…”

    He said they became harder to smell, but just slightly. If he has a range of like 750 miles in one direction above the ground, then maybe it’s only 300 miles or so below the ground, which is more than enough to do the trick and do it fairly quick as well.

    “Or TFZ could order them to block the air vents.”

    Or TFZ could use some of the large supply of big bombs that he’s picked up along the way.

    And to the people who say that TFZ couldn’t figure out how to fly a modern plane, keep in mind that all he’d have to do is take off and keep it in the air basically, with landing not too much of an issue, since he can’t be hurt, retaining his vampire powers. As you see from the cover of the third issue, tons of vampires are about to crash their plane into tons of zombies. None of them will die in the crash.

  5. Nekokaburi Says:

    None of the vampires or none of the zombies? 😛
    I suppose you can’t technically kill what’s already dead, lol.

    The thing is, modern aircraft take more to get them off the ground. The systems are generally a lot more complicated, and there’s all kinds of controls in a cockpit that would confuse the hell out of just about anyone. Of course, if he has a big airport with lots of planes to break while he figures it out….

  6. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Good thing there’s tons of old planes around to fly as well!

  7. Thesis Matt Says:


    I’m Jones’in here.

    As a side note, I bought two copies of all three issues of this comic at my local comic shop. Gave the extras to a couple friends. Feels kind of good to actually find something I like enough to buy, knowing I’m supporting something cool. I usually pirate everything.

  8. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Matt: Only been two issues released! Third issue ends with Page 80, won’t be in stores for another 4-5 weeks (hopefully). Glad you bought the issues, though!

    Owen’s been really sick. New page tomorrow and hopefully three or four more in the week.

  9. Thesis Matt Says:

    I ment two. I got excited and wrote three. I was looking at the stack of them on my desk, and with the extra I have left I counted three as I was typing.

    But yeah, the friends I showed them out to really thought it was cool. A friend of mine who draws a great deal said that he liked the sketchy kind of style in the first issue a lot, and took (well, I gave it to him) the extra of issue one so he could draw some of the characters.

    I told them all about the site, and I assume they’re checking it out.

    Sorry to hear about Owen being under the weather. Get well soon.

  10. Owen Says:

    Thanks. i feel better now. I’ve actually been really stoked about LB lately and I want to make it my “main” gig. I’d love to do 5 pages a week but I’ve been having some scheduling problems. Construction at my home has forced me to keep my computer at a separate studio that I don’t always have access to. I’m hoping everything is resolved soon.

  11. Brellchild Says:

    Hmmm. Maybe most all of the Navy forces killed each other off once the nukes started flying and TFZ just had to pick off the survivors? Not knowing who to blame, the natural reaction of most governments would be to assume some other country created a bioweapon and set it loose.

    Can’t forget the war.

    But who cares? Unless it directly inluences the story having some other deeply hidden group of survivors doesn’t matter. The classic zombie story has always been about a small group of people trying desperately to survive. In this case that group just happens to include a few dozen vampires.

    Bring on the Horde!

  12. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Maybe most all of the Navy forces killed each other off once the nukes started flying and TFZ just had to pick off the survivors?”

    Yeah, or TFZ killed them all very easily! He can fly over the ocean with tons of zombies in his plane that he can drop off in the water and they can sink down with grenades or whatever they want and take out submarines. Not very difficult.

  13. Brellchild Says:

    Except that militaries routinely monitor each others’ broadcasts. Once they hear about planes dropping waves of zombies they are going to take precautions. Like shooting down any plane that shows up on their radar.

    Tie in orbital surveillance and planes doing patrol sweeps, and it’s going to be a complete bitch to kill the last few dozen military ships out there. Especially since radar and surveilance equipment has gotten so much better since TFZ ‘died’.

    Not to say TFZ couldn’t do it eventually. Just that it is going to take serious effort even from him to get them all.

  14. Bobby Crosby Says:

    No, it’s incredibly easy for him.

    “Except that militaries routinely monitor each others’ broadcasts. Once they hear about planes dropping waves of zombies they are going to take precautions. Like shooting down any plane that shows up on their radar.”

    This is AFTER there’s almost no one left alive, including military. He’s obviously not doing this on the first day or the first week. The ones in the submarines and such are part of the last groups of people alive at all. This is like 3-4 days ago when he was taking these people out probably, four weeks in. They don’t have any plane cover. There aren’t any military up there flying planes to help protect the guys in the subs. Obviously TFZ has taken them out first.  There’s seriously nothing in any way difficult about this.  It’s a child’s game.

  15. Yanson Says:

    Oh yeah? What about the Justice League and the Fellowship of the Ring? They would sure stop the outbreak!

  16. Wragrym Says:


    Google it.

  17. Tegu Says:


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