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Page 72: Head Shot

Tuesday, August 28th, 2007

I love Grady.

Order autographed Last Blood comic books!

123 Responses to “Page 72: Head Shot”

  1. Jon Says:

    Great concept and wonderful comic! Just came across this earlier this week and have loved working my way though it! Great job.

  2. Nara Says:

    anyone hear about how people all over the world are doing Zombie flash crowds? Sounds pretty funny, although if I had been in that Mac store when it happened someone would have been decapitated by a flying laptop as I ran screaming out.. lol

  3. Nara Says:

    heres one: http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2007/05/26/witnessing-an-internet-flash-mob-zombie-attack-in-sf-pics-and-video/

  4. Tyler Durden Says:

    Wow, I have to say I’m really impressed with this comic. The writing and art is excellent. Very nice.

  5. rogalianth Says:

    Dude. Seriously. This has to be the best concept for anything ever of all time throughout the universe. Zombies…and vampires…and WWII…and a vampire killed Hitler.

    It’s like. Everything! Everything I’ve ever wanted or needed in a movie!

  6. The_Mad_Dragon Says:

    This… rocks. As simple as that. I suppose that something good DOES come out of clicking a random link from time to time! A definite new fav of mine! 😀

  7. woothoot Says:


  8. woothoot Says:

    sorry, just testing

    this comic kicks ass

  9. Adam M Says:

    I am so bummed… I found this yesterday and just got to this page, and now I’m going to be waiting between pages? Woe! Woe!
    This is a great story!

  10. Alex B Says:

    Still loving the comic, but is it going to update in this lifetime? 😀

  11. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Starting next week we’ll most likely be doing 4-5 pages per week until the first graphic novel is complete (about 110 pages total). So tons of pages coming soon, with the next on either Monday or Tuesday probably.

  12. vo Says:

    I so want to be a zombie.

  13. Martin Says:

    I rarely read comics cause they mainly follow a general line of thought which is thought to be popular amongst readers.
    This comic however has it’s own charisma, it’s well put and nicely worked out. The artwork is cool and capturing.
    I started out from page 3 till this page (which was the last published here, so I had to stop) till the end without stopping. I recommended it to my friends. As I saw here in the responses this comic is published in shops too, so I’m most definately gonna buy me a copy to support this 🙂

  14. Frank Says:

    Just started reading Friday. Really enjoy it. It’s got humor and drama in the right amounts. Love it.

  15. woothoot Says:

    zombies indeed Frank.

  16. Max Says:

    I command you to continue this project! And faster! It is awesome and about zombies(I likes to state the obvious) which makes it doubly awesome. You shall continue to update or else may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.

  17. Altair Says:

    Yes! More zombie-head games!

    If you knew how much I was looking foreward to this…well, you’d be afraid.

    🙂 I love Last Blood. (sighs)

  18. Cryptic Says:

    “Am I a horrible person for thinking “boom headshot” right after i saw the head swish through the basket?”
    Brown you are god damn awesome but almost got me into trouble with that comment as I almost woke up the gf when I laughed!

  19. Tegu Says:


  20. Gillsing Says:

    You can actually do this with the head of a dead guy in the action-RPG “Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines”. You even get completely out-of-the-blue applause if you make the shot. Or if you just stand under the hoop, lift the head high and leap up. which is a lot easier. 😳

  21. ModdyPride Says:

    Zombie basketball. it’s what all the cool kids are doing…

  22. Elijah Says:

    I’m adding this to my list of things to do before I die.

  23. moe Says:

    I have always wanted to do that too.

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