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Page 70: On the Move

Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

Owen and I recently did an interview for the Slice of SciFi podcast/XM Radio show and it’s now up on their site. The interview starts at 31:00 and runs for 16 minutes. Some choice quotes:

Owen: “That was a good spoiler — it was like a tease. Perfect.”

Bobby: “This is the first time I’ve heard Owen’s beautiful voice.”

Owen (about our comments section): “I think it’s super funny. The comments are almost better than the comic itself some days.”

(That last quote definitely rings true for today’s page!) 

83 Responses to “Page 70: On the Move”

  1. Kez Says:

    “his/their debate”

    Heh. Could we compromise? How about “its?” Every zombie is on “its” way here? ‘Cuz I don’t know about you guys, but I’d rather think about zombies as kinda genderless, ‘cuz whoa, otherwise….ewww. Yuck.

    Seriously though people, read a comic to enjoy it. It’s entertainment. No one except YOU like it when you find something “wrong.” It just ruins the fun for the rest of us.

    @Bobby: love the comic, and I was hoping to put it on my recommended reading page, but I can’t find any banners. Could you help a ‘gal out?

  2. Wizard Says:

    I say death to all English teachers, first up against the wall when the revolution comes, or the end of the world lol.

    Note: Never correct an author/writer, this leads to socialist thinking and then your brains slowly turn into zombie mush.

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    By the way, here’s a great comparison for the initial complaints here about “his” . . .

    It’s the same exact thing as if the comic featured an extremely stupid character who was horrible at math and someone asked him what 2+2 was and he said 5 and then someone complained and said, “There’s an error on the first line.. you should change ‘Five’ to ‘Six’, otherwise you’re implying that 2+2 is 5.” So not only is it impossible for it to be an “error,” since it’s something that this character would say, not knowing the answer himself, but the correction he gives is also wrong. Calling that constructive criticism is laughably stupid.

    “love the comic, and I was hoping to put it on my recommended reading page, but I can’t find any banners. Could you help a ‘gal out?”

    Sure, just e-mailed you one, and here’s a small one —


    (Link doesn’t seem to be working and I can’t get the image to show up here — oh well, annoying.)

    Baltazaar: I didn’t understand most of that, but anyway, I don’t think any of that is coming into play!

  4. Patrick Says:

    Damn. I would hate to see what would happen if Mr. Crosby every misused
    “their/there/they’re” of “its/it’s.” 🙂

    Great interview on Slice, btw.

  5. Patrick Says:

    Damn. Must remember to post *after* my morning coffee, not before.

  6. big fan Says:


    working link?

  7. big fan Says:

    or not. It adds stupid spaces in the url for some reason.

  8. Nara Says:

    I wonder what will happen to the 8 billion zombies once TFZ is dead? would the be directionless and just swarm the last survivors in a feeding frenzy? would they crumble to dust or fall down into a true death?
    no need to answer this, im just contemplating outloud

  9. cash Says:

    ““I think it’s super funny. The comments are almost better than the comic itself some days.”
    (That last quote definitely rings true for today’s page!) ”

    for sure!

    “If you disagree, there’s a polite way to do that.”
    “Hey, Javin, fuck you, kill yourself, never come back to this site, you fucking moron. Everything you just said is a retarded lie.”

    i lol’d hard. at first i thought i smelt some kind of irony there, but seems like you were serious =)

    “Nothing wrong with debating on the internet — it’s much better than arguing in real life, that’s for sure. I’ve also said this many times, blah blah blah.”

    loved that one as well, i like your style!

  10. Michelle Says:

    Hey Bobby and Owen…

    I just listened to the interview.

    Great job!

    If you end up producing the movie yourselves and look for financing…I’ll chip in $100 for the financing…more if I manage to graduate from college by the time you guys start production (if Hollywood doesn’t pick the comic up first!).

  11. Michelle Says:

    Alternately…find a sofa somewhere for me to sleep on, and I’d do Craft Services (for those of you who don’t know what that is…it’s feeding the crew and keeping ’em all happy) for you guys, pro bono. I would so love to see this made into a movie! 🙂

  12. BrokenTripod Says:

    I think the best answer to what happens after all the humans are zombies…Is that there is no answer!

    It’s never happened before, and unless one of the vampires is a curious sadist and wants to find out…

    And there’s always that quote: “Life will find a way,” from somewhere…I don’t know where. Darwin?

    La de da. Great comic, too bad that banner link doesn’t work (I don’t have a site, but I was just going to check out how it looked).

  13. Marieke Says:

    Hogi: *waves* yep, I’m Belgian alright!

    alles goed daar in de lage landen?? 😉

    (for the really curious; ask hogi to translate, I’m off to bed… tired… feeling all zombie myself.)

    – the zombie-HummingBird –

  14. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Michelle: That all sounds great!  I appreciate it.  At the earliest we’d shoot the movie in April or May probably, so stay in touch and we’ll see what happens!

    By the way, in Javin’s most recent comments (deleted) he’s called you all “fucking morons” and has also said that I lied about him calling me at home. Javin, I never said that you called me at home. You strongly implied that you would be calling me at home a ton when you said I’d have to change my number, so I said “But hey, Javin, it sure is acting like an adult to call someone’s phone constantly.” That is not saying that you called me — it’s simply referring to what you implied you’d do.

  15. David Kowis Says:

    No nitpicking from me. I love almost all zombie comics. This comic r0xx0rz my s0xx0rz.
    And like any webcomic, I wish it’d update more often. The only way I could possibly hope to achieve that goal is by giving money, which I don’t have. So instead I can give praise 😀

    This comic rules 😀

  16. David Kowis Says:

    btw the link does work if you replace all the %garbage between 117 and 30 with an x 😉

    I put it in as the “website” for my name in this post, might work, won’t know until i click POST.


  17. vo Says:

    Debating on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you’re still a retard.


    Bobby, I love everything you do. Never ever ever change or I will weep tears of great sorrow.

    Ok, now that my sycophantism(no idea if this is a real word) is partially done, I must speak.

    Bobby can take constructive criticism. He wouldn’t be a writer if he couldn’t. Sure, he seems abrasive and angry and RAGE when he responds, but, fuck, so would I if a bunch of bastards were trying to tear down my beloved story over nitpick-y little shit like when steals and blocks were recorded and how to properly write dialogue while ignoring the concept of dialect. Hell, I’ve offered criticism and opinions of this comic the entire time(I called TFZ’s a vamp on page 10), but I do my best to be respectful of the time and effort that has to be put into this project to make shit work right. I know how hard this shit is, because I try to fucking write too, but I suck.

    PS. Javin, I hate you with a vehemence unmatched in this mortal world. Please, find a way to be simutaneously raped by orangutans while being ripped to shreds by sea turtles. Then die.

    Owen! The art is always amazing. Thank you for being so tolerant.

  18. Mariered Says:

    wa hah ah ahahahahahaaaaaaaaa ahhh.
    I think Javin, and the wholehearted response to him, makes him my favorite hateable troll I’ve met to date.

    I don’t care if Math elects to speak in iambic pentameter if it fits his character and forwards the plot in believable ways. If every single zombie is on its way to eat me, I’d just like the facts please.

    I live for your updates!

  19. Johnny Baby Says:

    I think this link might work:

    and “his” is correct, or “her” or “its” or any combination of those, but not “their.”

  20. aquamage Says:

    I think they should gather explosives and make the zombies go boom =) considering the fact that some of the vampires can fly i think they should be able to get the humans to high ground and blow the hell out of the zombies group by group =)

  21. Terry Says:

    God, I think that Jarvin retard gives a bad name to English majors and teachers alike!

    One thing is you teaching someone how to write according to the rules of a language (let’s say an essay, for instance), another is to write realistic dialogues. Come on!!! I’ve got English students that write compositions where I remember them: attention please, this is correct in a dialogue but careful not to write it in a formal text!!

    That’s the function of a teacher! To teach the correct so that you can know when to use it or not. And most great writers know the correct and don’t use it because of exactly that: languages are living things with a mind of their own. The “correct” is just a set of rules to help children and foreigners to have a better grasp of the language!

    As for the his/her/its/ their… please, if everyone in these comments has shown to have a different opinion, don’t you think you’d listen to it all if they were speaking to eachother? Would they go and correct themselves in that case? NO!

    (And if some nutcase did, then everyone would jump into a hot debate “WTF!? You’re wrong an’ I’m right! Get out of ‘ere!”)

  22. Terry Says:

    Oh! BTW, can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next! 😀

  23. Michelle Says:

    *****PS. Javin, I hate you with a vehemence unmatched in this mortal world. Please, find a way to be simultaneously raped by orangutans while being ripped to shreds by sea turtles. Then die.*****

    OMG..I laughed and almost snorted when I read that. What a great way to start the morning! Thanks for that vo!

    And…you’re welcome, Bobby! I’ve done Craft Service on two small films…done the purchasing for all the junky stuff that keeps a crew happy, made arrangements for catering for the major meals, and love to play with food when making snacks for the guys…so doing that isn’t work for me…it’s more fun than anything!

    I am not generally a comic book reader…the last time I bought a comic book was back when Amethyst, Princess of the Gem World was in print (I still have copies of that packed away somewhere…and I am also finishing my college degree a bit late in life, but better late than never!). I am REALLY enjoying Last Blood…and would be happy to help make it a reality! 🙂

    As for people who do the nay-saying…geez of fricking petes. ;-p If they think it’s so easy, as I’ve said before…they need to go out and do what you are doing. It’s much easier to complain than it is to actually DO something…and to do it successfully as you and Owen are??? People just don’t get it that it takes a lot to get where you guys are.

    BTW…my take on the whole English flap…I write conversationally. As far as I am concerned…as long asUdon type dialogue in text short hand and spell correctly (my pet peeve…unless it’s necessary to establish a character…)…do whatever the heck you want! 🙂

  24. Hogi Says:

    Marieke: Jazeker alles goed hier, dankje, eindelijk een beetje zon. Hoest daar dan in het land van bier, chocola en friet? En manneke pis… Hehe sorry hiervoor ik bedoel er niks negatiefs mee.

    Anyway, let’s not make this a private chat, it’s rude. Still looking forward to the next comic!

  25. Johnny Baby Says:

    As to the banner image, for some reason the lowercase ‘x’ gets turned into a multiplication symbol at posting. Replace the ‘x’ with one from your keyboard and this url should work:


  26. Brellchild Says:

    Personally I got no problem with the dialog. There might even be a legitimate reason for using ‘his’ in this context – the zombie horde is, in effect, operating at the direction of a single mind. That single mind/ single identity *is* male.

    From certain points of view the zombie horde is TFZ because it operates as a direct extension of his will. It could be a perfectly legitimate way of speaking amongst vampires about the subject.


    On another matter long since debated into the ground which nonetheless pops up here and there…

    If there are in fact any modern military still active anywhere on the planet (certain elements of the modern Navy for example?) they doubtless have access to at least some orbital surveillance assets. Such assets could easily spot this mass convergence of zombies and thus locate/ identify the school if they haven’t already.

    Too much to ask for an intact carrier group to have survived, but single ships here and there slowly starving to death…

    Dunno if they could actually do much this far from the ocean, but they could see it happening at least. Be interesting to see if they are still out there.

    I feel sorry for whoever was stuck up in orbit when this all went down. Poor bastards were screwed in so many ways.

  27. Nathan Says:

    Absolutely love this comic. Zombies and vampires duking it out = awesome. Keep up the great work!

    P.S. If you were a talentless hack like Javin says, you wouldnt have so many readers and comments.

  28. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “If you were a talentless hack like Javin says, you wouldnt have so many readers and comments.”

    Well, I’d totally disagree with this. Tons of talentless hacks have tons more readers than this comic, and I’m not at all pleased with my work on “Last Blood.” Also, Javin credits Owen for any success “Last Blood” has, and good art certainly has a lot to do with it.

    “If there are in fact any modern military still active anywhere on the planet . . .”

    I’m not positive, but I think you’ve brought this up several times, and each time I’ve said that the only humans left alive are the ones from this small town and also 200 in Mexico (all of which will die very soon).  There is no human military of any kind active, other than Murdo as a one man army.

  29. Rawr Says:

    “Murdo as a one man army.”

    Vo i would never ever want to be on your badside

  30. yapoo Says:

    i think hitler is the undead king.and hes just toying around with Math until he bites him off for revenge.sorry, i had just started reading, so maybe this will be shown in the next couple of episodes.

  31. Tegu Says:


  32. Lisa Says:

    Just a little note, though I’m not sure if anyone mentioned this:

    In French, there is both a masculine and feminine “they” (ils, elles). If it’s a group of women, it’s correct to use the feminine “elles”, but if there is just one guy, then you are supposed to use the masculine “ils”. Yes, I know we speak English and not French, but I thought it was interesting. (Besides, as a correlation, English used to have singular and plural forms of “you” just like the French. That’s what “thy” and “thou” are.)

    Also, in my Technical Writing course, it’s alright to use either just “his”. It’s bad to use it in documents when you could possibly offend people, but then again, I doubt April will really stick up for the zombies.

    Though, imagine if the zombies went on zombie-strike as a counter… “No, we WILL NOT maim, bite, devour, horribly disfigure, or destroy the human race until this sexism ends and our demands are met!”

    Also, I think it’s important that we all remember that Bobby and Owen, as well as almost every other web-comic writer/artist/etc, create their work out of their own free will. 95% of the time (from my experience) they do not do so for pay, or are under any sort of contract; they do so because they want to, and there are times that they want to give up because they are tired of the work, but don’t for some driven reason.

    So thank you, Bobby and Owen. Unable to speak for anyone else, I appreciate the effort you both have put into this, and I’m glad that it’s still together after all this time. Good luck with your movie; I eagerly await to see it. : )

  33. Niach Says:

    I think it’s a problem that the comments sections end up being more interesting than the comic. And it’s not because the comic is bad. There just needs to be more focus by everyone–everyone–on the comic, and not these so-called debates. At some point the debates stopped being debates and turned into arguments, which is sad because the comic really is good.

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