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Thursday, July 12th, 2007

Last Blood #4 will include pages 81 to about 110 and it will end the first graphic novel and the first film’s story. Look for the web site to start updating with new pages three times per week again beginning next week. The last page of the first graphic novel should run in mid-November and the comic will only continue if orders for Last Blood #3 and Last Blood #4 are much higher than the orders were for Last Blood #2, so CALL YOUR LOCAL COMIC SHOPS AND DEMAND THAT THEY CARRY LAST BLOOD! Last Blood #3 is in the current issue of PREVIEWS, Diamond’s catalog.

And if you missed Last Blood #1, you can now order it directly from this site.

47 Responses to “LAST BLOOD #4 Cover”

  1. Jon Says:

    Long time reader, first time poster.

    I love this Web comic. But then I like the idea of Vampires at war with Zombies.

    Keep up the good work guys!

    Ooooh is that the first zombie?

  2. Sim^moN Says:

    Yeah – thats the First Zombie alright – a crazy rotten vampire..
    I had a thought… he was headshot by Murdo on one of the first pages, survived the bullet – just to be close to the last survivors and his grandchild…
    right or wrong?

    Bobby – would you need any help translating this stuff, maybe to publish this comic to Poland or maybe Germany.

  3. Mr. Chin Says:

    Is it safe to assume that vampirism isn’t passed on genetically, or (in the alternative) that TFZ became a zombie sometime after fathering children? I’m just trying to do the math in my head and trying to figure out how many generations separate him and April and why April is human even though she’s descended from a vampire.

  4. Bobby Crosby Says:

    TFZ was born a human and was turned into a vampire after having the child who would end up being April’s father or mother. And he became a zombie one month ago after not drinking any blood for 65 years.

  5. Unforgive Says:

    🙁 i was hoping a comic update

  6. Darius Says:

    As for vampires having children, I think Bobby has mentioned before that most vampires on Earth were BORN that way( I could be wrong), indicating that vampires can reproduce, but do so only sparingly, considering there are only about 50 vampires on Earth. I’m not sure about the born part, but I do remember Bobby saying that Math is one of the few (or is it only?) vampires on Earth who started out as human. Which means they have SOME form of reproduction(I think). Which means vampire are perhaps not technically “undead”( if I’m right about the reproducing/being born thing). Oh, I’m not sure if anybody has asked this yet, Bobby, but are your vampires creatures born of magic, or science? Or would you rather not specify?

  7. Rawr Says:

    sweeeeeettttttt the entire TFZ thing is cool but me no likey TFZs haircut…
    only the first film!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    One Question to Mr. Crosby: when you say first film how many are in this storyline? thanks for the comic your awesomeness

  8. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “when you say first film how many are in this storyline?”

    Who knows. Would like to do at least three. No absolute guarantee of even doing one, though, at this point.

    “I think Bobby has mentioned before that most vampires on Earth were BORN that way”

    I don’t recall saying most. I’ve said that some are born vampires and some are made vampires.

    “I’m not sure about the born part, but I do remember Bobby saying that Math is one of the few (or is it only?) vampires on Earth who started out as human.”

    I don’t recall that, but anyway, TFZ was born human.

    “but are your vampires creatures born of magic, or science?”

    You mean like how the very first vampire ever was born/created? No clue, doesn’t come into play in the story.

  9. simon Says:

    so TFZ has gone 65 years without eating, been sot in the head, lost an eye, half his face and also appears to have a severe dent in his skull.
    Is it safe to say he’s not firing on all cylinders?

  10. Frauke Says:

    Could it be that TFZ just killed nearly all humans because he wants revenge for his turning into a vampire? When there’s no blood, there’s no Vampire…?

  11. Nara Says:

    awesome cover, really gross!!

  12. Brellchild Says:

    Re: The cover:


    Which is basically what I said once the picture finished loading.

    Comment #1: Sorry to have missed a few episodes, but is it official now that April is TFZ’s living descendant? Aw darn. I was kinda hoping it was Murdo…

    Comment #2: Vampires can have kids? Does that have to be both parents vamp, or can it be just one? In any case it has to be obscenely rare or there would be a lot more than 50 vamps out there.

    Comment #3: Easy way to explain the origin of vamps without having to explain the mechanisms by which they do their stuff – Atlantis.

    Obviously the island sank after someone detonated the main reactor core as a last ditch way to stop a zombie horde from spreading to the mainland. Assume a surviving vamp or three who were not high enough rank to know the Great Secrets and you have a nearly perfect Vampire Genesis.

    Obviously there are other ways it could be explained, but even if there is a vamp still alive that was there when it happenend they likely wouldn’t remember. The human brain (however modified) can only hold so much information.

  13. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “is it official now that April is TFZ’s living descendant?”

    I’ve spoiled that several times now, but anyway, TFZ is April’s grandpa.

    “Vampires can have kids? Does that have to be both parents vamp, or can it be just one?”

    They can have kids. Not sure/don’t care about if it needs to be both parents or not. Doesn’t come into play in the story.

    Not gonna do any Atlantis type thing because I don’t plan on ever revealing the origin of vampires at all — just not necessary.

  14. Mewt Says:

    Aww. And here I was hoping that the Atlantians would come out of their hidden city of the ocean in a furious rage of Zombie-hunting rage with lots of pewpew and splatsplat and dead zombies thank you very much!

    Yeah, I haven’t posted in awhile. Miss me? 😀

  15. Sara Says:

    Love the comic. Its too bad that im moving and wont have a conection to the internet anymore. 🙁 (runs down to the local library with her laptop to check for updates) hehehe that don’t mean that its going to stop me from reading!

  16. Robert Says:

    A new cover, didn’t the last one have a plane crashing into zombies, ahem, plane-zombies?

  17. Necavi Omnes Says:

    Finally back, and I love the front cover! Also, he’s pretty attractive for an old-man-vampire-turned-zombie-who-was-rotting-and-just-shot-in-the-head.

    Mmm. I’d get a piece of that action (if it didn’t involve getting my throat torn out).
    Also, a thought just occured;; I wonder if the first girlie he bit went into a fit when she found out that he was biting other women.

    “… *arching of the eyebrow*”


  18. Brellchild Says:

    Heh. I was just throwing my favorite theory about where vampires came from out there to be a little silly. Given your past history of quality work, I am sure that if you ever decide to tell us where they came from in your universe it will be quite an epic tale.

    Question: Are we ever going to see any prequel stories other than what happened to send TFZ over the edge?

  19. Raikoh_Minamoto Says:

    ROFL! @ Neca

    Wow, Bobby. I just read through this entire thing in one sitting, and it’s nothing short of absolutely amazing. The art, the characters, the story, it’s all great. Mad props.

  20. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Raikoh, give the props to Owen Gieni for the art!

    “Are we ever going to see any prequel stories other than what happened to send TFZ over the edge?”

    Well you’re not even gonna see that unless the issues #3 and #4 get a ton more orders, so make sure to call every comic store remotely near you and demand that they carry “Last Blood.”  The goal is to tell many different prequel stories, yes, as I think I’ve said many times before.

  21. Rawr Says:

    umm necavi your are scaring me very much…

  22. Ryah Says:

    @Neca: LOL!

    An awesome cover, Owen! I love the one glowing eye. Very creepy.

  23. KEM Says:

    What would be nice is also having this comic in one big book instead of just 5 smaller ones, sort of a novel with graphic pictures in it instead of just words.

    We could call it a Big Picture Book.

  24. achrin Says:

    he sure looks happy

  25. irinisa Says:

    If I was a zombiefied vampire, I would definitely go for TFZ.
    I can picture it now… Me as an ordinary vampire (bitten looong time ago) and him as.. himself.. in a motel.

    Me: I see you have fangs. That must mean that you are a vampire, such as myself.
    TFZ: Nghhryyhhfh…
    Me: Well, I take that as a ‘yes’ then. Where are you from, anyway?
    TFZ: Aaaugrhhr..
    Me: Arkansas, huh? Get out of here! I’m from Arkansas too!
    TFZ approaches me (as he is madly insane and cannot stop his driven instinct to bite/eat me) TFZ: Auuuhhhggr..
    Me: Yeah, I know, the fact that we are from the same part of the world DOES draw our to each other! And you are hot too, that means two thumbs up! If I didn’t know any better..
    TFZ bits me in the neck.
    Me: Okay, I know that I speak too much when I get excited, but come ON! Bite me on our first date? You’ve got some guts, man!
    TFZ: Hnnngyuyh…
    Me: Well, if you insist, we can go to my room. Or well..I insist that we go. Now. I’ve got this weird feeling in my body..

    Moments later, we would be Mr and Mrs TFZ.

  26. Sean Says:

    How’s Owen feeling?

  27. Bobby Crosby Says:

    He had strep throat after hurting his back, so he’s been in a world of hurt, but he should be all better pretty soon hopefully. Next page up on Tuesday probably.

    irinisa: Just to let you know, TFZ can talk just fine and we’ll hear a lot from him in issue #4!

  28. Sean Says:

    Poor guy. Owen, feel better soon. Your fans miss you and wish you well.

  29. Vo Says:

    irinisa: LMFAO.

    If everybody wants to know, TFZ is really Math who travelled forward in time and became the SuperJesus General of the 404th Regiment of Piefighter ShockTrooper, fought the evil Bunny cyborgs of Altair IV, conquered Pluto and discovered why they make hot dogs in packages of 10 and hot dog buns in packages of 8. The resulting subatomic temporal paradox ripped a hole in the spacetime continuum hurling him back to the past, where he became trapped in a conveniently located coffin at the bottom of the ocean. Or maybe I’m making this up. Since Bobby’s not telling (yet), I could be right. Right?

    PS. TFZ is rocking a serious combover. Hasn’t he heard of Rogaine?

  30. Rawr Says:

    I KNOW I KNOOOOWWWWW its cause they want you to buy 4 packages of buns and 5 packages of hot dogs or its cause their evil either one works

    no i dont think he has heard of rogaine sadly…

  31. Necavi Omnes Says:

    Hey, don’t bash my man. He may be hideous on the outside with a distastefully out of style Trump, but on the inside he has a maggot-filled heart just bursting with love *cough*foreatingpeoplealive*cough*.

  32. Katticus Says:

    *speech impediment due to laughter* ^

  33. JEffrey Says:

    I got into this comic from the FCBD comic. Since then I ordered the print issues from the diamond previews book. I just wanted to give my support for what I consider to be a really good story. I think this book would make a good ongoing series and could even rival walking dead. However, you guys have been doing a terrible job at keeping updates in a timely manor. Sometimes there is so much time in between pages that I forget about or loose interest in the comic.


  34. irinisa Says:

    we would get lovely kids…

  35. Amy Says:

    Bobby, how can we order issue 2? You said earlier you were going to be getting them from the printers but there’s no place we can order them from on the website. *plots to boost sales of issues 3 and 4*

  36. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I don’t have any of issue #2 yet — they’ll be in stores on Wednesday — most important thing is for you to go buy them at your local stores if you ever want an issue #5 to be made at all! But within a few weeks or so I’ll probably have issue #2 available for sale on the site.

  37. Necavi Omnes Says:

    That’s it, Irinisa;; he’s my man. If you want him, you’ll have to get through me.
    *takes out the gauntlet*



    He’s, a, ah, blank shooter.
    Sorry to dissapoint.
    *shifty look*

  38. vo Says:

    Girls, Girls. He’s a zombie. He’s not bound by basic human recovery times. There’s more than enough decomposing, festering, rotting, maggot-filled love to go around. Until it falls off.

    I can’t believe I just said that. I’m gonna go bleach my cerebral cortex.

  39. J.R. Says:

    Am I the only one who sees an uncomfortable resemblance to Math?

  40. MaxwellEdison Says:

    Yeah, theres a resemblance to Math, mostly in the teeth however. :-Þ

  41. Sad Says:

    Once you are turned into a vampire, you stop aging. makes sense that vampires will not have children, otherwise their babies would remain that way forever. or maybe in embrionic state 😛

  42. Alyssa Says:

    Wow, how out of the loop am I?

    When was it revealed that April is TFZ’s grandchild?

  43. Sim^moN Says:

    Some time ago in comments…
    I wish there was an update soon

  44. Necavi Omnes Says:

    Officially, in the comic, they haven’t revealed it. But our good man Bobby here decided to spoil us. Yey!
    But in all honesty, you haven’t missed much plot-wise. Other than Jimmy turns into a zombie and tears his own mother’s throat out. Oh, and MM will die. Slowly. Buaha.



  45. Tegu Says:


  46. Trilbydude Says:

    Wait a minute…

    that… hair…


  47. Atan Says:

    he looks a bit like me… I have an assymetric haircut too, well, it WAS assymetric (one side long one side short not completely gone, like 3cm long tops i think) now it’s only long on top of my head and short around (again 3cm) but it still falls like zombieboy here only with more hair, and blonde 🙂
    I wish someone could make a zombiefied version of me -hint?- or a vampire, I always wondered how much it would influence my appereance… a drawn version of me (and ex-human, i’d like to know both :p)

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