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Page 62: Mustache Tears

Friday, June 29th, 2007

I hate that Mustache Man.  He’s only in the middle of his speech, by the way.

114 Responses to “Page 62: Mustache Tears”

  1. -J- Says:

    oh yeah, you can sign up for the comic entries…
    that’ll do nicely.

  2. Irish Says:

    Best wishes to Owen, hope he feels better soon!

  3. Melia Says:

    Take it easy and get better soon Owen.

  4. Owen Says:

    Thanks everyone. I love you guys.

  5. vo Says:

    We love you too, Owen. But, um, don’t tell my wife about last night, ok? I don’t think she’d understand what we have together. =)

  6. D.L. Snell Says:

    It’s true: my zombie/vampire novel Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines features vampires that are “protecting” humans from zombies. But they’re protecting them the way a shepherd protects his flock from wolves. I don’t know if that’s the case here–I just stumbled upon this site while Googling my book title–but if it is, no big deal. Just about every concept has already been thought of; writers just need to contribute a fresh spin.

    Anyway, good luck with this. The art is awesome, and I love the title.

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    D.L.: Hey, thank you very much. I plan on checking out your book at some point. I tried to search for similar things before writing the story and couldn’t find anything. A hard topic to search for on Google, really, I guess. I think another major difference between the stories is probably the focus on the zombies (which you’ll see later) and their new origin, which I’m pretty darn sure has never been used by any other story, but who knows. Also, yes, this story doesn’t have the vampires protecting the humans like a shepherd protects his flock. In my story they’re trying to earn their trust and treat them nicely, partly to ward off suicide. Another big difference might be that in my story the humans are the last surviving people on Earth — not sure if that’s the case in yours. Thanks again for the good luck wishes and good luck with your writing.

  8. D.L. Snell Says:

    Bobby, click on my name to visit the Roses of Blood website, http://www.rosesofblood.com . I’ve posted sample chapters, character descriptions, reviews, and a teaser video.

    You should also check out my publisher’s message board, http://www.permutedpress.com/smf . If you post some of your work, he (Jacob Kier) might keep you in mind for a book cover!

    I was reading a few pages of Last Blood–it’s great, by the way; the illustrations are atmospheric, gory, and emotive–and even though my humans are also the last alive, there are vast differences between your story and mine. Keep up the good work!

  9. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Thanks, buddy. I’ll check those sites out.

  10. D.L. Snell Says:

    “Last Blood is a horror comic written by Bobby Crosby and illustrated by Owen Gieni”

    Oops! I guess I should have read this before assuming you (Bobby) were the artist. Sorry ’bout that. So Owen is definitely a candidate for Permuted book covers, and you, Bobby, you might keep an eye on the submission guidelines. Do you write short stories?

  11. Chris Says:

    Just a continuity thing. Mustache guy punches the zombie chick with his left hand on the next page. On this page his right hand is bloody. I imagine it wouldn’t be too hard to do a horizontal flip of the image in Photoshop and fix this…

  12. Tegu Says:


  13. ModdyPride Says:

    Yes… Deffinetly a hammer. Or an Axe. Yeah, I want to beat Mr. Mustache with and axe…

  14. Nisque Says:

    Damn, I can’t stop rreading but I need to go to school….. must tear eyes away….

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