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Page 58: Killing Time

Thursday, June 14th, 2007

Stay tuned for more killing action on the next page.

66 Responses to “Page 58: Killing Time”

  1. Sigmoid Says:

    Hm… I really liked this comic all the way through. Is it just me, or does Matheson deliberately resemble Buddy from Six-String Samurai?

  2. Melia Says:

    I think Math looks more like Buckaroo Banzi.

  3. Baran Says:

    i personally think matt looks only like a real classy badass vampire

    not really a copy of any style just the common sense that makes them so c00l 😛

  4. Hyshinara Says:

    the zombie in the fifth panel made me instantly think of fairbank from sore thumbs :p
    he makes that face too sometimes, but then it’s like OMG or something :p

  5. Ryah Says:

    It looks like Math has bell-bottoms on in the third panel. That made me giggle. Can you imagine a 70s style cast doing this movie? “The zombies are so not in the groove!”

    Uh, anyway, haha, I love the second panel. Math’s frustration at the world, himself, April, zombies, and everything else all just comes right out there in the dark lines of his face. Excellent use of black!

    He looks so badass in the last panel.

  6. Sara Says:

    Where did the woman vampire run off too? (Val if my memory is right) Last I saw of her she was ‘unclothed’ and in bed grumbling that she had to get up lol.

  7. Mewt Says:

    Or rather, she was grumpling that her f**kbuddy ran off. She herself probably never bothered to move.

  8. Quarion Says:

    This kinda reminds me of a song Vash from Trigun once sang.
    The lyrics went like this:

    “Total slaughter,
    Total slaughter,
    I won’t leave,
    a single man alive.
    La di da di die
    La di da di dud
    an ocean of blood
    let’s begin,
    the killing time.”

    if you want to hear the tune just say so and I’ll try to upload an audio file of me singing it.

  9. Vecter Says:

    Just a curiosity thing… is Addison Payne an anagram? (It’s entirely possible that this was answered before… I’ve read a lot of the panels/comments, but nowhere near all of them.) Couldn’t help noticing certain words in that name… dead… spy… pony… (I’m sure the last one is coincidental… just wondering about the first two)

  10. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I hate anagrams and I’ll probably never intentionally use one in my writing.

    You’ll see Val fairly soon.

  11. Mewt Says:

    Lmfao… Quarion… That was a great moment..

    Pity Vash was entirely bluffing when he was singing it…

  12. Amy Says:

    Just a wild guess but if the next page shows Math actually killing the zombies instead of skipping to him emerging from the gym victoriously…

    Heads will roll…

  13. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Heads are gonna roll.

  14. Vo Says:

    Addison Payne Anagrams


  15. Mithras Says:

    Panel five is the second time where Math has seriously reminded me of Morlun from Amazing Spiderman. I don’t remember the first time though. This isn’t a bad thing! Morlun is cool, and so is Math, and they’re both vampires in a sense.

  16. Tegu Says:


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