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Page 55: Screaming Names

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

Poor Murdo.  He’s in for a rough night.

45 Responses to “Page 55: Screaming Names”

  1. Lydia Says:

    First comment. Just for the sake of it.

  2. achrin Says:

    what to do what to do … save the girl or save the guy

  3. Adikt Says:

    More blood in Murdo, save him first he he

  4. Hyshinara Says:

    i bet Val’s going to save murdo 😉

    btw, for a moment i thought the zombie Matheson killed was Murdo’s mom XD
    try it out, only look at the first 2 frames 😛
    like Matheson would say: “uhm… yeah… oops? sorry?” 😛

    likes the mustached zombie in frame 3 😀

  5. Rachel Lynn Says:

    Wow, April sucks at “stay here.” 😉

    I thought the same thing as Hyshinara at first–couldn’t figure out how his mother became a zombie. haha

    By the way, haven’t commented before, but I picked the first issue up at Free Comic Book day and have been following since then. Great job.

  6. Irish Says:

    The mustached zombie looks like a rotted-down Hulk Hogan with the handlebars and all.

    I wonder what’s gonna HAPPEN!

  7. Reddy Says:

    Ah, wonderful, as always. Such a fan!

  8. KrakaKrucifix Says:

    Uh oh… save the guy who helps fight off zombies… or save the woman who’s going to help fight off sexual frustration…. decisions, decisions. Great comic, the sword through the eye is awesome.

  9. Sim^moN Says:

    One page a week. omigod… you are the best patience tester EVER!

    Nice page. Hope to see more soon!

    Great job Owen!

  10. Hyshinara Says:

    >Irish Says:
    >June 5th, 2007 at 7:53 am
    >The mustached zombie looks like a rotted-down Hulk Hogan with the >handlebars and all.

    yeah, add a bandana and a stupid docu-serie and that’s him XD

  11. that man over there Says:

    doesn’t he have super strength? i think that was mentioned earlier, just pick up the chich and go after the dude. that’s what i’d do at least

  12. Paul Says:


    Am I the only who’s thinking that murdo is going to have to kill his mom?

    And… damn, that mustached guy really seems like a hungry kid looking at a pudding! May we have him on the next page! 😀

  13. bob Says:

    awesome 🙂

  14. Scott Says:

    With a beard, Murdo would look like Shaun from Shaun of the Dead, and then the panel where he’s calling out to his mom, is remeniscent of SOTD, except, they are in a gym, and not a tavern/pub.

  15. Edward Says:

    Poor Murdo. He’s my favorite character.

  16. Lydia Says:

    Hey, Bobby, I see the website is up again. Good stuff!

  17. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Yeah, but MM is down still — horrible.

  18. Katticus Says:

    “And… damn, that mustached guy really seems like a hungry kid looking at a pudding! May we have him on the next page! ”
    You’re right! It looks so FUNNY when you think of that and look at him! hehehe….
    Is it just my spotty computer monitor or does Math look neanderthal/gorilla -ish in the first panel?
    Great work as ever.

  19. Melia Says:

    Just came from not getting MM. Im just snap happy that this site is up and there is a new page. It’s sad how fast Murdo goes from the grown man to the little boy. Never mess with a mans mama.

  20. OLLLie Says:

    the zombie in panel 3 looks like he came out of a western
    and april is so totally fine in the last panel….

    wait, so is murdos mom gonna turn into a zombie?
    and then murdo will have to kill her! ouch

  21. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “wait, so is murdos mom gonna turn into a zombie?”

    Minor spoiler: No. She had a heart attack, dead.

  22. Paul Cowan Says:

    Sweet Zombie Jesus, will you look at the pom poms in the last frame. Now I remember why I like this comic…

  23. z5blue Says:

    So why aren’t the zombies already feasting on Mom’s brains already? Do they only prefer someone who struggling or something?

  24. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “So why aren’t the zombies already feasting on Mom’s brains already? Do they only prefer someone who struggling or something?”

    Minor spoiler: They’re on orders to not kill any humans unless they get in their way. Their current mission doesn’t involve the humans.

  25. Kool_Angel Says:

    Wow… Really… I just found this comic, and love it! Craziest part was when Aberdeen, South Dakota mentioned. Why? Because I grew up in the area so it kinda really hit home in a oddly true meaning of the word. Must say as harsh as Math says he is he sure seems to get along well with April. Even though she disobeyed his orders he still looks more worried than angry.

  26. Posalootly Says:

    Mom! Murdo! Jimmy! Rocky!

  27. bob Says:

    this is so fucking awesome

  28. Oraxia Says:

    I know it’s been said that Murdo’s mom isn’t going to turn into a zombie, and I apologize if I missed a discussion on this, but when people get turned into zombies, to they decompose at an accelerated rate?

    I’ve always wondered about this, because people seem to become the stereotypical zombie pretty much on impact in… well I think every zombie movie or comic I’ve seen (which isn’t terribly many, but enough). I’m curious why there aren’t ever any zombies in transition, intact and not rotted, but still crazy with hunger for brains or flesh.

  29. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Oraxia, these things have been answered like a trillion times in the comments so far. You can actually search for “Last Blood” comments on Google and specific things in them.

    They become a zombie “on impact” only if they’re killed on impact. If the wounds they receive wouldn’t normally be fatal, but they are bitten by a zombie, they go through a 24 hour process of turning into a zombie, as you’ll see Mustache Man go through in the next 30 pages or so. About decomposing: It’s not really an issue in this story. The zombies can go years without decomposing so much that they can’t fight anymore.

  30. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Kool Angel: That’s cool. I lived in Cresbard for six months last year and that’s where the movie will be shot if I make it myself, in the school building there.

  31. Courtney Says:

    I think the comment Oraxia was making was actually one that hasn’t been touched on before. Not about zombie changes or decomposing so far that they can’t really accomplish anything anymore. We’ve talked about those. :p I think the question was, the zombies are all rotting, right? Skin peeling away and rather stinky? Do they become like that instantly after they become zombies? (be it after the 24 hours or after they die, whichever comes first) or do they decompose if they’ve been a zombie for a while? For instance – Mustache Man. When he becomes a zombie, will it be immediately, visually obvious? Will he look all decomposed right away, or does a zombie, after ‘dying’ and BECOMING a zombie, take as long to rot away to full zombie-looking-ness as a corpse would, or is it instantaneous? I myself am thinking the answer would be no, they’d look about as old as their corpse would look, and a new zombie would pass for human – except perhaps for a wound, bloody or rotting or festering. XP

  32. Bobby Crosby Says:

    This is what a brand new zombie looks like —


    He’s all pale, because he just died, but he’s not all rotting and decomposed yet. That takes longer.

  33. Jade Says:

    Gack, Bobby, I swear, if you don’t stop scripting awesome comics, I’m going to… I dunno… Start stalking you and try to steal your brain? >.>; Ahem. Anyway.

    Been following Last Blood for a little while now; and I’m loving it. To bits. Really. But I decided to join in the rotting-zombie-debate.

    I write, myself; and there’s kind of zombies in what I’m writing at the moment. Basically, the zombies have slightly-accelerated decomposition; if they were perfectly still, they’d decompose at the rate of your average corpse. However, they’re walking, running around, and having all sorts of fun and games; but, how shall I put it… They aren’t meant to be. Their bodies cannot sustain their activities; so therefore there are adverse affects.

    This is just my personal theory on how the decomposition of a zombie would work; Bobby may have his own theory where it actually takes longer for a zombie to decompose, or he may mentally see them decomposing at the rate of a normal dead body.

    However, having a newly-turned zombie suddenly being decomposed would just be… Well, I can’t think of a way it would work. Not that it matters because it’s not the case.

    I’m rambling. I’llgonow. >.>;;

  34. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Start stalking you and try to steal your brain?”

    I guess we don’t need Molly to find Sylar. He’s just reading “Last Blood.”

    “I write, myself; and there’s kind of zombies in what I’m writing at the moment.”

    Is it a comic or just a story or what?

    I don’t have much of a theory on decomposition, because it doesn’t affect “Last Blood,” or at least it wouldn’t for many years. I try not to think about things that I don’t have to think about.

  35. Rune Says:

    Gotta say, props for coming up with two very good comics with two entirly different stories and original characters.

  36. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Thanks. I also write a poker comic at http://www.plusev.net and I’ll be starting up many more graphic novels in the next several months, with another one launching on June 25 probably.

  37. Oraxia Says:

    Courtney hit on what I was after in asking about decomposition. Thank you for the clarification of my intent, Courtney, I didn’t realize I was being so vague ^_^

    That image is actually part of what got me thinking on the speed of decomposition, because as you can see in that cover and in the new page, Jimmy’s mouth appears rotting and torn o_0 I try not to think that it got that way because another zombie chewed his lips off ^^;;

  38. Amy Says:

    Wow. So we just send you the money through paypal and email you or mailing address and we get an autographed first issue of Last Blood? That’s not a bad deal.

  39. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Amy: Correct.

  40. Katticus Says:

    so this is the matheson family shield. I’m posting this back here to see if it works before putting it on the most recent page if it does.

  41. Katticus Says:

    trying html

  42. Katticus Says:

    ah, forget it. my apologies for the triple-post, I wanted to test this out before posting where people would see it sooner. feel free to delete.

  43. Tegu Says:


  44. ModdyPride Says:

    THRILLAR! sorry…

  45. Metria Says:

    This whole screaming names thing makes me think of Rocky Horror Picture Show…also makes me want to shout “Doctor Scott!” and throw toilet paper in the air. 😀

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