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Page 53: Stay Here

Friday, May 25th, 2007

Overhead shots for the win.

73 Responses to “Page 53: Stay Here”

  1. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Guess that means TFZ would have to join the assault himelf if you wanted it to happen (and he’s too smart for that).”

    I’ve already said multiple times that we’ll see TFZ talking to our main characters. He will also kill at least one person personally.

  2. John Says:

    “How didMurdo get his pants back on so fast?”

    “Magic. ”

    If you have to ask then you haven’t been in the miltary. When I was in basic I could have been dressed in full uniform, prepped, shaved, and in line in around 2-3 minutes. Getting pants back on would be an easy matter in this situatation after his training.

  3. mee Says:

    The artworks great. I love your faces and the show of emotions on all.

  4. Mewt Says:

    ;-; Vo and Bobby are against me! *Hides*

    Peh. Pacific, Pacific, whichever.

    I actually wrote Pacific the first time, and was thinking Pacific when I wrote Atlantic. Meh. Oh well.

  5. Jeff Says:

    Long time reader, first post.

    This page brought up an interesting question I’ve been wondering about. The zombies are obviously not interested in killing animals, or at least give them a lower priority on their ‘things to kill’ list than humans.

    This implies that TFZ doesn’t direct them to attack animals.

    This, to me, implies that vampires cannot live off of animal blood. Is this the case?

    Sorry if it’s been answered before…I haven’t read every page of comments yet.

  6. Unforgive Says:

    —“i wish the updates were more frecuent :(”

    Are you joking? Other than the scheduled break we just had, which we announced very early, the comic has missed ONE DAY in five months and that was in early March when I was super sick. Comments like these will really make me not worry at all about the update schedule. People just go crazy over any missed days at all apparently.—-

    ok ok im sorry, its just that i like the comic a lot! and and not a patient guy :p

    thx for the hard work

  7. Ted Says:

    Since TFZ can control all the zombies and what not, why aren’t all the zombies firing AK-47’s into the group of people? It seems if they’re intelligent enough to follow other orders, to pry open doors, to even fly planes like you suggested, they could easily do that.

  8. Melia Says:

    I would rather them take their time and give us something with meat to it, than churn out pages of nonsense just to feed the masses.

    Quality over qanitity sweeties.

  9. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Since TFZ can control all the zombies and what not, why aren’t all the zombies firing AK-47’s into the group of people? It seems if they’re intelligent enough to follow other orders, to pry open doors, to even fly planes like you suggested, they could easily do that.”

    #1: I’ve said MANY times that in order to make them do specific difficult tasks that zombies otherwise wouldn’t be able to do, it takes far more effort and he can’t control very many at once. #2: He has done similar things like that during the the past month. #3: Why not just drop a bomb on the school? #4: If he wanted them all dead, he would have done it ages ago. He can single-handedly kill them all without much of a concern, and he’s been there all day. I’ve also said several times that he’s trying to see what they’re like, that he wants to test them, and that he’s having second thoughts about going through with this and killing his beloved home town and his last surviving relative. #5: I wouldn’t assume that the mission of the zombies in the gym right now is to kill all the humans.

    “ok ok im sorry, its just that i like the comic a lot!”

    No problem, glad you like it.

    “This, to me, implies that vampires cannot live off of animal blood. Is this the case?”

    It has been addressed many times, but no problem: No, animal blood is no good to vampires, and the zombies don’t care about it either.  Rex is safe.

  10. Melia Says:

    I’m curious. Is there a standard throughout the industry of what/ how Zombies and Vamps etc can act and what powers they have? Or is it copacetic to grossly change the set standard of Vamps only drinking human blood?

  11. Bobby Crosby Says:

    To answer Melia’s questions: I don’t know and don’t care. Just doing my own thing.

  12. Mewt Says:

    It depends on what you read. IE, in Anne Rice’s stuff, the vampires can survive off animal blood, but it’s supposed to taste ‘Dirty’ compared to human blood. Other genres say no animal blood at all.

  13. juile Says:

    this is so fucking awesome

  14. Courtney Says:

    I love how at the beginning of this page, everyone tries to count off their comments and we couldn’t get past the number four. Comic books really do dull your intelligence!
    Jk, I bet it was the posting system. I just thought it was amusing. 🙂
    Poor April, having to wake up to Math in scary mode.
    PS, where exactly on the gym walls do they keep the jerseys (or whatever they are that you hinted at) Are they out of sight, or are they not really in the gym for some reason, or was it an artistic decision to help keep the frame from being too cluttered?

  15. Bobby Crosby Says:

    It’s just a list of sports records, and they’re probably above the back row of the bleachers somewhere. We’ll see that by Page 63 probably.

  16. steve Says:

    in my defense of my numbering, I didn’t count, therefore I didn’t miscount! Ha! Steve for the win! Go number 9! I mean…14!

  17. Bobby Crosby Says:

    The problem with the numbering was actually due to comments from new people that I had to approve first before they could show up.

  18. J.R. Says:

    Excellent page, waiting eagerly for the next. Love Math’s game face, very night/day. I like the way the effect drives home his dual nature.

  19. Vo Says:

    What if a vampire bleeds a little out the floor? Or has a arm torn off? And the Rex eats it. Would that work?

  20. jen Says:

    Hey, sorry if this has been addressed before, I haven’t had the time to go through all the comments, I was wondering what zombies need to survive. I’m sure TFZ doesn’t care what happens to the zombies and that they’re just tools, but if all humans died, well, we know the vampires would go the way of TFZ, but what would happen to the zombies, would they starve? Just curious.

    Also… is there any chance of an FAQ page? I LOVE knowing all the information that you give out, it really shapes the story for me, but I haven’t been able to make the time to weed through all the comments and compliments and whatnot to find the juicy tidbits 😛 Either way, thanks!

  21. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “but if all humans died, well, we know the vampires would go the way of TFZ”

    I think most of them would kill themselves within the first 10 days or so of not having blood, to save themselves 65 years of torture. The First Zombie has plans to stop that from happening, though (wants to capture them all, lock them up).

    “but what would happen to the zombies, would they starve?”

    No, they can’t starve in this story and they can last a very long time before decomposing (years).

    “Also… is there any chance of an FAQ page?”


  22. Tegu Says:


  23. ModdyPride Says:

    Jimmy is a Zombie killing prodigey… prodegy… Well, he’s really good at killing zombies. Much, MUCH better than I am at spelling….

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