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Wednesday, May 16th, 2007

Look, a new cover! My favorite part is Grady and Murdo cheering on the roof. Last Blood #3 will include pages 57-80, and the above event takes place around page 77 (hopefully). Owen is going on a trip soon and the next page (53) most likely won’t go up until next Wednesday, but the good news is that we may start doing more than three pages per week after that.

CLICK HERE to see my sketch of this cover.

And hey, we finally found a photo of me and Mac at Golden Apple! I’m the one who looks like Greg Grunberg.

Me and Mac!

113 Responses to “LAST BLOOD #3 Cover”

  1. Mewt Says:

    Damn you, Maxwell!

    Hope you had a good trip, Owen! Lots of booze and gambling and prostitutes!

    Did you see Elvis?

    Also, learn to read your own artistic done comic! There’s only 50 vampires that TFZ is torturing…



  2. vo Says:

    102th comment.

    No particular reason.

    Bobby? What about blind, deaf zombies?

  3. Dan Says:

    To VO:

    102nd… not 102th


    Whoop 103rd, I love the comic, log in everyday hoping for my next fix, it’s absence only makes me want it more.


  4. dragonhouse Says:

    I’m surprised that Bobby and Owen take so much time reading and responding to the comments. It’s unusual that writers and illustrators are so open and giving to their readers.

    So, for all the people giving Bobby a hard time, get over it. Leave him alone. He could totally do away with the comments section and keep us all out of the picture. is that what you folks want?

    That would be like me writing Stephen King all the time and giving him pointers and BS that doesn’t matter. Do you think SK would bother?


  5. Melia Says:

    {drumming my fingers ever so patiently} Is it midnight yet?

  6. Owen Says:

    Page is drawn. I sent it to Bobby 6 hours ago but He and Chris must be asleep. Since coming back from Vegas I sleep in 2 hour intervals for every 10 awake. I suspect I’ll be dead soon. I spent over 7 hours on this next page. I’m sure Bobby will still hate it though :).

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Also, learn to read your own artistic done comic! There’s only 50 vampires that TFZ is torturing…”

    It’s possible that there were 200 vampires 65 years ago, though, which is the only number that would matter in terms of what Owen was talking about. It’s also very possible that there were 200 vampires a month ago. Remember how Math needed Val to save him a couple weeks back after he was basically paralyzed from not having any blood for two weeks? Not all vampires got saved, and many killed themselves like Val wants to. If the comic book series is a success, you’ll learn all the details about that stuff and about what Math did in the first month in upcoming prequels, so call every comic book shop you can. The online ordering deadline for retailers is May 29th for the July books (LB #2 and re-release of LB #1). Hit the phones.

    “I’m sure Bobby will still hate it though”

    If I like the first panel, I’m sure I’ll love the whole page.  I’m assuming the second panel will look pretty cool.

    Page should be up in around four hours.

  8. MaxwellEdison Says:

    Nope. Still not up yet. This page better be good after making me wait so long for a completely . . . free . . .

    Keep up the good work!

  9. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Nope. Still not up yet.”

    I said it “should be up in around four hours” only two hours ago.

  10. Katticus Says:

    it’s been three hours now, one left!

  11. Katticus Says:

    edit: sorry, read the time wrong, didn’t see the 56. only two hours. my bad.

  12. Vo Says:

    112nd. I’ll do it my way, you do it yours. =P

  13. Tegu Says:


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