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Free Comic Book Day Cover

Monday, March 12th, 2007

No new page today, but here’s the cover for the Free Comic Book Day book, which will be in comic shops worldwide for FREE on May 5th!  I’m not sure if we’re allowed to reveal how many were ordered, but I’ll say that we’re going to print about 20,000 copies!  Make sure you pick one up in your local comic book shop, because if you don’t, you’ll have to buy it from me and pay me hard earned cash.  You will get it signed that way, though, so that’s nice, and you’ll be helping to fund the production of the film.  Expect those books to be available to order on this site in late April.

After the initial 32-page FCBD issue, Last Blood will continue as a bi-monthly 24-page comic book series with Last Blood #2 in July, with the main film story ending with Last Blood #4.  Many sequels and prequels are planned to continue the story if the comic is a success, so be sure to demand them at your local comic book store!

25 Responses to “Free Comic Book Day Cover”

  1. MB Says:

    Wow ! It’s beautiful ! 😀

  2. lord zenla Says:


  3. Mewt Says:

    Math looks like a little bloodsucking pimp, with his hair slicked back. Why is his gun glowy, tho’?

  4. Bobby Crosby Says:

    It’s glowy because he’s in the act of shooting and we’re seeing the flash of the bullet.

  5. Ledd Says:

    freakin sweet

  6. garfalk Says:

    ahh….shoulda said lazors….

    i’d go out and pick them up, but the local comic book stores hate me…all of them are meant for people half my height.

  7. Schon R Boll Says:

    Very sweet lookin cover…….. Math protecting the girl and kids……… he is my hero.

  8. Euphoria Says:

    I don’t have any ‘local comic book stores’ T_T

    Truely brilliant drawing though, very very well done.

  9. R3d Ra66it Says:

    sweet drawing man … Math, i think, would be anybodies hero – sure is mine, although mac is pretty cool too!

    i’m so annoyed i’m over here in the UK so i doubt i’m gonna see this comic book in any of my local stores!!

    If i could buy one (and get it signed) –> that’d be awsome!

  10. Oblio Says:

    My hero is moustache man…

    Actually, no, it’s TFZ (ok, so technically he’s the villain O_o), and I wish him luck on his endeavours!

  11. LastAngryBat Says:

    What would Zombie Jesus do?

  12. lofty Says:

    what would zombe “alucard” do!…..to find out go to…ill tell ya later

  13. Dr_G Says:

    Great, whilst i love your comic i live in the UK and in an area thats fairly isolated so have no chance of picking up a free copy, so for me FCBD is a non event. Looks like the only way i’ll be continuing to read LB is by forking out some sterling.

  14. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Dr_G: Actually all the comics will still be free online, so no worries there! You’ll be able to read them all online.

  15. Mewt Says:

    Zombie Jesus would begin an epic battle with TFZ, spanning centuries, and eventually ending with the creation and production of what we now call ‘Furbies’. Don’t ask me how, fair marauder of the mousepad, nay, do not even question it. Simply accept it as a fair bit of truth.

  16. Xiqwa Says:

    Great work! The originality of the story is genius, and the art is superb! I do have one question… If zombies are starving vampires, why don’t they have fangs? Thanks for the awesome work!

  17. Paco_la_Rocko Says:

    I think the gun is glowing as a result of muzzel flash. Unless his hand gun is sporting a silencer and a flash surpressor. The comic, well it rocks massively. Keep it rolling man I digs it.

  18. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “If zombies are starving vampires, why don’t they have fangs?”

    No no, only the FIRST ZOMBIE, only an ORIGINAL ZOMBIE, the one who was first a vampire and then spent 65 years starving him or herself of blood, only THAT zombie is a blood starved vampire. All the others are just offshoots of him and they’re not associated with vampires at all — they’re just zombies. Only the First Zombie has the extra powers, but he controls all the others telepathically. Also, in this story, the idea is that vampires only have their fangs pop out when they’re in the middle of some serious fighting. (So look for the First Zombie’s fangs to appear later maybe!)

  19. Nara Says:

    awesomeness!!! lookin forward to tomorrow, been bored at home since i broke my toe! zombie toe oh noessssss! is Math green in this shot or is that the reflection from the gunblast?

  20. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Just a reflection, I think. Also, Page 33 may not come out tomorrow, but there’s a very good chance that we will update with something, either the cover of the second issue or a pin-up (you’d never guess who!). And ouch, sorry to hear about your toe. That sucks. How did you break it?

  21. Nara Says:

    a giant door magnet dropped on it 😛 is TFZ blonde or does he have white hair? what colour is April’s hair? I see her as an orange-red head 🙂

  22. Mewt Says:

    I forsee either a Valerie Pin-Up or a April Pin-Up…

    I vote for both. Just lookin’ sexy.

    Mewt Hath Spoken

  23. Vo Says:

    Ok, so 20,000 copies printed. Any ideas where they are being shipped, ’cause I emailed blatant and asked them and they never answered me.

  24. Tegu Says:


  25. halo Says:

    They are in a school? Just ring the dinner bell.

    Think I’d rather die than hang around being lunch, you can bet if they can get rid of the zeds the humans will become cattle.

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