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Page 23: Stake

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

April sure likes trying to kill Math. I wonder if she’ll succeed in the next page. (She doesn’t.)

By the way, Gary was a popular choice for the name of the guy in the previous page, so much so that Owen has taken to calling him Gary in e-mails, but the problem with Gary is that it’s so close to Grady, and we’ve already got a Math, Mac and Murdo, which is annoying enough as it is. And Owen has suggested making him a bigger character, possibly the principal of the school, which I think is a good idea. So anyway, we’ll figure out a name eventually. If he’s the principal, he’ll probably be referred to as Mr. [Whatever] most of the time, so now suggest a good last name for a jerk!

Oh, and I also started up another graphic novel today, this one a romantic comedy illustrated by Remy “Eisu” Mokhtar.   It’s called Marry Me.

39 Responses to “Page 23: Stake”

  1. Mewt Says:

    … Gary Ericson? That way, even if he’s a principle, he still -sounds- like a peon.

    “Damnit, Ericson!”

  2. OLLLIe Says:

    k so
    the girls gonna try and stab him
    and then theyll get atacked by zombies
    and then hell save her
    and then shell be all like
    “O you saved me, you must be a good guy”
    and then he’ll feed on her

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I wish something that exciting would happen, but this story is really boring, unfortunately.

  4. garfalk Says:

    perhaps sncheebly.

    or however you want to spell it.

  5. NickGXZ Says:


    How about Gary Nigh?

  6. Schon R Boll Says:

    I see a love spark happening with april and math………… Look like her man is going to have to do some vampire slaying….. or math might make sure her never gets back with that axe of his…

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Mac’s not her man! They’re just friends, and she didn’t even know that he was a golfer! This book is so boring.

  8. Tzion Says:

    Gary Schrute. As in “I-stole-it-from-The-Office” Schrute.

  9. Lydia Says:

    Hah, I love Math.. how he’s reacting to all of this while April’s still in denial. He’s so patient.. I woulda’ grabbed her back by the hair already if I were him.
    For “Gary” maybe you could name him… Frank? Another random name that popped up.

    Oh, I’m going to check out your new comic. I love Eisu’s style, so I can’t wait to check it out. ^^

  10. Steven Says:

    i think April knows him… like they had a past. that’s why she shot him with no questions asked.

  11. Kelsa Says:

    How about Principal Seethe… It’s kinda sinister sounding and can double as a mild oath when refering to him… It’s got that buried anger quality to it…

    Oh by the way… I’ve never posted before so I thougth I’d just add that I really like the way this is going… I forgive you for being a little slow, you’re just getting things started and I like having the groundwork laid. But the premise is great!

    Now just don’t disapoint me!

  12. Oblio Says:

    Riveting story so far 😀

    I don’t know about principal, I was thinking more like neighbourhood watch leader or something inane like that (maybe a church group leader…), but something that makes him think he’s a big boss guy, but without any real leadership experience.

    As for name, I hear Errol Mahony (pronounce Mah-ni)… Mr. Mahony was a bit of an ass when I was at school incidentally 🙂

    Cheers guys, keep on truckin’.. O_o

  13. JOhnny Says:

    k fools
    its time to stop talking about names
    that was so lst comic ago
    we must discuss todays comic
    in which we see math for the true seductive pimp that he is
    next thing thatll happen is a giant freak orgy will pop
    out and everyone reading the comic will be like…damnit
    i need to get in this movie

  14. Dave Says:

    I still say he’s a Thomas, but more in a dick sort of way.

    ‘Principal Gary Thomas’ has a nice dick-ring to it.

  15. Will Says:

    no way
    im totally in for jenson
    its totally a classic asshole name
    with a slightly amusing ring to it
    gary is just….kinda…average

    perhaps something completely new

  16. JOhnny Says:

    seriously, enough with names
    you totally want willard cause
    then you can be like…o wow,
    my names incorporated into one of the characters

  17. Will Says:

    what happend to my last post?

  18. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I’m not sure how it works, but some comments don’t automatically go through and need to be approved first. I think it’s from new people, and then after they’re approved once, all their posts work or something. Might have to do with the IP address, don’t know.

  19. MaxwellEdison Says:

    I think Umberger, or maybe Romberger…Definitely some sort of -mberger. Maybe even Hamburger…Hamburglar?

    robble robble

  20. Nestor Says:

    Needs a link to first comic.

  21. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Well that’s easy — just type in lastblood.net (or erase everything after “lastblood.net” and hit enter!). That’ll take you to the cover. This site needs better navigation, but I know nothing of HTML and my brother knows little more than me and he does all the web site stuff for me.

  22. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “next thing thatll happen is a giant freak orgy will pop out”

    No sex any time soon, but check back in a couple months.

    Kelsa, Seethe is cool, but I’d like the name to be easily pronounceable for the movie. I’ve been thinking that Matheson would even be hard to understand, although having him be called Math most of the time will help with that. Also, look for the pace of things (and general quality of the writing hopefully) to pick up a bit on Monday.

    Steven: Nice thought, but nah, she just got freaked out when she walked into the room and heard a scary stranger say he was a vampire and he was there for their blood. If he was a human and he was kidding, he’d be too scary to keep alive, in my opinion, making a joke like that at such a time, and if he’s really a vampire, well then shit, vampires are scary, better try to shoot him! It was a total spur of the moment thing. She had secretly had this gun with her for a while, with one bullet, and she saw an opportunity to use it.

    Lydia: Yeah, Math’s main focus is on keeping everyone calm, keeping them alive, keeping them from killing themselves, really, since he’s confident that he can protect them. He won’t even act impatient with a human any time soon. He has to earn their trust.

    Not sure yet about a name for the mustache guy, but I think we’ve got enough suggestions to last a lifetime now!

  23. Nestor Says:

    Yeah I saw that later, I came to this page directly from a link on SA

    Just add a link to the first comic to the blogroll, easy as pie.

  24. JOhnny Says:

    “No sex any time soon, but check back in a couple months.”

    implying therell be a little romance goin down?

    so…whatd happen if a vamp mated with a human?
    blade child type thing?

  25. OLLLIe Says:

    hey so
    on the cover, theres this vampire wearing some oldschool clothing
    protecting some people.
    is that vampire ever gonna pop up and whoop some ass
    or like…is that just a wicked cool picture for the cover in
    which none of those characters have any true significance

  26. Conor Says:

    The only boring story is one without a conflict. There has to be an antagonist, a bad guy, who’s somehow organizing the zombies or somesuch.

  27. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “There has to be an antagonist, a bad guy, who’s somehow organizing the zombies or somesuch.”

    Oh, there is, don’t worry, big time.

  28. Mewt Says:

    Yeah, you have to have your first post approved, and afterwards all the posts from your name and E-mail are approved, I believe, hence why one’s e-mail isn’t checked listed but it’s still required for ‘Verification’ for leaving replies.

    I still vote for Ericson!

    Or maybe Hojo, going back to FF7 names…

  29. Sean Tisdall Says:

    Love your writing, but seriously, enough with the spoilers! If you want to keep dropping hints, link to your scripts like I just did in this post. I’ll read them, I promise.

  30. Bobby Crosby Says:

    There’s always the option of just reading the pages and saving the blog posts and comments for later when it’s all done. There are many big things still that I haven’t spoiled yet and won’t spoil. One reason for spoilers is that I think the story has sucked so far and I want to let people know that there at least actually is interesting stuff on the way.

  31. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “on the cover, theres this vampire wearing some oldschool clothing
    protecting some people.
    is that vampire ever gonna pop up and whoop some ass
    or like…is that just a wicked cool picture for the cover in
    which none of those characters have any true significance”

    That’s actually Math, and there’s April behind him with some kids. They look a little different from in the interior pages, I guess, but close enough. I can’t promise that scene will occur, though.

  32. OLLLIe Says:

    well it looks like theyre wearing older clothing
    perhaps we can just pretend that it happened a long
    time ago or something, when another similar event happened
    but not as large

  33. Tin Monkey Says:

    Alderbrect, Pugchepkie, Hodge, Boyle, Cooper, Obermeyer. Wincheldglast.

  34. Tori Says:

    Agresta. Italian last name from Latin ‘agresta’ meaning ‘sour grape’. I like my Italian goomba angle.

    So Geraldo Agresta or Giulio Agresta are my suggestions.

    http://www.behindthename.com and http://surnames.behindthename.com are my lovely resources, should you ever want to find names on your own.

  35. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Thanks, Tori. I decided to just go with the last name of Howard, since it rhymes with coward! Might eventually reveal his first name, though.

  36. Osa Says:

    I think his name should be Albert. beacuse to me, thats just the name that comes to mind with his face…

  37. Tegu Says:


  38. Chris Says:

    OMG u write Marry ME?!?..When us the third one coming out…ive been waiting forever

  39. Chris Says:


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