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Page 22: Mustache Man

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Artist Owen Gieni and I really hate the guy in the second panel with the mustache and glasses. We see him as the leader of the jerks who chickened out and left Murdo and Grady to fight the zombies on their own. He first appeared in the last panel of Page 12. I haven’t named him yet, as he’s not a very big character, but I foresee a fun death scene where someone yells out his name as he gets killed, so comment below and tell me what you think his name should be.

53 Responses to “Page 22: Mustache Man”

  1. smergler1 Says:

    i think his name should be butch. i can already imagine his name being called he turns and is bitten in the shoulder and dieds. Or mabye some 1 “accidently” shot him.

  2. Frank Says:

    just don’t name him frank in movies frank is always an unlikeable charicter even when his a “good guy” (which is rare) as a rule frank is the ass hole the chicken shit or the villain some time a combo of the 3

  3. bottleHeD Says:

    Call him Engelbert or Jefferson.

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