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Page 20: Sick

Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Twenty pages already, cool. I’ve been disappointed with the writing of this scene, and with the book in general so far, but I think it’s going to start getting better and more interesting with the next page, and some of the story’s questions will be answered soon. I originally hoped that the comic would be somewhat close to a final version of what the movie should be, but now I’m just considering this the first draft, and there will definitely be many changes, although nothing too major probably. The plan was to write the screenplay first, or at least be farther along on it than on the graphic novel, but instead it’s been the other way around. I hope to finish the script by May 5th when the first 32 pages of Last Blood will be released as a Free Comic Book Day title. With that book, and with the finished screenplay, I can start serious work on raising money for the film.

30 Responses to “Page 20: Sick”

  1. Alex Says:

    Well I’d always be happy to donate something towards it ^_^ hehe

    All out war? Well my best guess is when other counties found out about the Zombie Outbreak in American they took steps to try and stop it.

    As always the Zombies win (Well sort of) because humans couldn’t work out a ideal solution.

    The situation looks bad, but least they are safe for now. But its only a matter of time till more and more Zombies show up. Zombies tend to follow each other around aimlessly.

    Power in numbers.

    I was the remaining humans, I’d be working around the clock building outter defences to keep the Zombies out.

  2. Mewt Says:

    If I was one of the remaining humans, I’d find some hot zombie chicks, get some handcuffs, and…

    *Cough* Destroy them! Yes! Torture them like the wicked evil creatures they are…

    I have to wonder, though, wouldn’t radiation still effectively kill zombies? It causes a breakdown of biological material, and zombies, while no longer having life processes going through their systems, are still purely biological… With systems that are slightly pre-destroyed, on a side thought.

    Oh well.

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “All out war? Well my best guess is when other counties found out about the Zombie Outbreak in American they took steps to try and stop it.”

    Anything can happen when zombies take over the world. It won’t play a role in this story in any way (although it might in prequels), but I could see many possible scenarios where nuclear war breaks out.

    “I was the remaining humans, I’d be working around the clock building outter defences to keep the Zombies out.”

    Well, all of that would be futile against enough zombies, as all the billionaires and world leaders found out when they died, even though they were in the most secure bunkers possible. We’ll hear more about that later. As Math says, these zombies are smarter than they look (or they are at certain times at least). The humans have also been very low on supplies and food and water, which is why Mac went on his mission, and they haven’t wanted to waste any energy, which wouldn’t allow them to work around the clock to build outer defenses.

    “I have to wonder, though, wouldn’t radiation still effectively kill zombies?”

    Maybe, I don’t know, but there’d still be more than enough zombies who weren’t affected by the radiation to finish off everyone else. At the school in South Dakota they weren’t even close enough to see a single mushroom cloud.

  4. Alex Says:

    Pretty grim outlook then by the looks of things. I look forward to Math explaining more about these “smarter” Zombies.

    But I understand that, but having a wall or something is better then nothing at all. But then again if Land of the Dead is anything to go by, Zombies always seem to find a way around any defence.

  5. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “But I understand that, but having a wall or something is better then nothing at all.”

    They have the school itself, which has many walls, of course. Don’t see how one more wall would help any. And it’s actually worse than having nothing at all when it causes them to waste all their energy building it, forcing them to drink more of the precious little water that they have. And no walls would help against these zombies anyway, as we’ll discover more about in the coming weeks, especially around page 40.

  6. Anthony Says:

    Ahhhh… I can’t wait for the next comic. It’s torture over the weekends waiting for the next one to come out. You should do them daily! I come here every release day.

    I think this would make a great movie!

  7. Mr. W x Says:

    I like how some of the people already seem to be resigned to the vampire thing.

  8. Bobby Crosby Says:

    After zombies show up and kill billions, vampires probably seem like no big deal. I planned to have some more conversation about the whole vampire thing after April shoots Math, but I cut it out to try to make this thing go faster. Trying to fit in a lot of stuff in the first 32 pages for the Free Comic Book Day book. I was originally hoping to only be on like page 15 or 16 for where we currently are in the story.

  9. Lydia Says:

    Hundreds? Wow. I wonder how many people are left in China? Just curious.

    I like that shot of Val grabbing April. Val looks seriously worried for a sec there. “There goes my next meal!”

  10. Bobby Crosby Says:

    None in China probably. None in most countries, of course, with only hundreds left around the world. There were thousands a week earlier, and millions a week before that. Vampires started moving in to openly protect the remaining groups when it was down to around 10,000 probably, but their missions have been failing, as we’ll learn more about later. Math and Val have teamed up for several of these, often with other vampires as well, with no success so far.

  11. Jeff Says:

    Bobby, about that comic? No, there is no twist… But it is a bit the same in certain aspects… A group of isolated people trying to survive is one aspect… Also the fact that the groups stay mainly at a compund of some sort… And this drawing style reminds me of ‘The walking dead” somehow…

    Oh god, I love ellipsises…

  12. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “But it is a bit the same in certain aspects… A group of isolated people trying to survive is one aspect… Also the fact that the groups stay mainly at a compund of some sort…”

    Ha, that’s like saying a baseball movie is similar to another baseball movie because they both involve playing baseball on a field of some sort. Almost all zombie movies/stories have those same aspects. And mine is one of the only ones that actually has something original going on (vampires saving the humans to live off their blood).

  13. Mewt Says:

    Now, the next question is, if there -were- vampires in China, would they be Chinese-style or Europeon-style?

    Same basic concept, but the Chinese Vampire feeds purely on Chi, someone’s life energy, rather than their blood. And it has it’s own set of silly rules to similar to the Europeon’s StakeInTheHeart.

    I dunno. Silly ramblings on my part due to it being early on Thursday morning.

    Kinda makes you wonder how that original WW Vet came alive anyhow… I shall await answers patiently from the marvelous artwork and riveting story!

    Now if only they could update more often.

  14. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Don’t know about the China stuff.

    “Kinda makes you wonder how that original WW Vet came alive anyhow…”

    That will be explained in detail, and that’s a HUGE aspect of the film. (You also might see something familiar in the second panel of page 14.)

    “Now if only they could update more often.”

    I’m writing three different comics right now (“Last Blood,” “+EV,” and a new one that launches on February 14) and I’m writing the screenplay for “Last Blood,” and I’m planning to launch at least two more comics in the next month, and Owen is currently drawing somewhere around A MILLION COMICS. It’s amazing we’re even doing three pages a week.

  15. Alex Says:

    Well the situation as Bobby puts it comes to one single conclusion… the humans and other Vimpires are doomed.

  16. Marci Says:


    I just found Last Blood (through plusev.net) and I just cannot wait for the movie ’til september or when… 🙂 Hope it will come to Europe!!! Til then I’m waiting for the next scenes…
    Have a nice day, Bobby and all!
    Marton Kovalovszki, Hungary

  17. Sleet Says:

    “(You also might see something familiar in the second panel of page 14.)”
    We’re talking the panel where Murdo is all, “WHOA!”, right?
    All I can think of for that one, is that we might recognize a certain zombie behind him there. And, oh.. wait, are those dumpsters behind that zombie?
    Hum ho humm… Do I see some inklings of plot there, or am I way off base?

    Ah, Mr. Dogtags, we hate you so…
    Oh, and let me guess, Canada is totally dead, isn’t it? Were we one of the failed rescue missions? Bastagers. There’s so much space up here, though, and so few people.. I doubt /everybody’s/ dead. Those zombies would have to be /awfully/ thorough.
    I mean, I live in a provincial park. There’s tons of forest here, and not that many people, plus a long road to get here from anywhere.. And if zombies were coming, I would totally grab a sword or two and then take off into the forest with lots of canned food. Do the zombies gain some sort of senses that they didn’t have when they were alive, or something? Like.. bloodhound noses or something?

  18. MaxwellEdison Says:

    Hey love the story and the art. Just wanted to mention an odd zombie book I read while stationed in Iraq, called Xombies. The zombies were blue and theres a submarine and an Indian Beatles tribute band. Not the greatest but I found it…interesting.

  19. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “All I can think of for that one, is that we might recognize a certain zombie behind him there.”

    Yeah, that’s all I’m referring to.

    And no, there are still some other survivors in Canada, for the moment.

    “There’s so much space up here, though, and so few people.. I doubt /everybody’s/ dead. Those zombies would have to be /awfully/ thorough.”

    They’re extremely thorough and there won’t be any doubting — it will be 100 percent clear about who’s left alive and where, and why.

    “Do the zombies gain some sort of senses that they didn’t have when they were alive, or something?”

    The story will answer all questions and Mr. Dogtags plays a major role.

    Hey, Maxwell, glad you’re liking the comic.  Xombies sounds interesting, yeah.  I’ll try to check it out.

  20. Paul Cowan Says:

    Great comic, wonderful drawing style and the concept is awesome. I love the whole “The Odd Couple” in a post apocalyptic world of the undead angle. I also like the fact that I haven’t been able to pick up a single “survivalist movie” stereotype amongst the remaining humans. 🙂

    The only disappointment I have so far is the vampires. When I saw the cover featuring the old “East European Count” style of vampire I got quite excited. It took me back to the old horror comic days of my childhood, and it reinforced for me the the terror of having to rely on a wretched monster only slightly more “human” than the zombies. Those old-fashioned “Creatures of the Night” style vamps scared me with their casual viciousness and cruelty, even more so that the re-imagined vampire of today because they seemed almost human, but majestically alien in their evil.

    Then those two White Wolf/Underworld rejects walked in and made me sad. But I’m not prejudging! Plenty more pages to come that could make my complaining premature. 🙂

    Anyhow, all in all a great comic and cool idea.

  21. Mewt Says:

    As long as they don’t go all Anne Rice with having weird sex while drinking each other’s blood on us… >.>;

  22. Alex Says:

    Interesting point. Is there any black or colour people in this comic?

    Often Zombies films have that the token Black guy and/or woman.

  23. Bobby Crosby Says:

    South Dakota has almost zero black people, and this tiny town is possibly all white. Also, there are lots of women in this story.


  24. Alex Says:

    Still find it a bit odd there wouldn’t be even one coloured person in that whole town. Even if there is a lack of them.

    Often I find people avoid having Black or mixed race people in comics and art work because its easier to draw White people.

    I know I’m nitpicking. But I’m mixed race you see, and kind of tired of seeing Black people used a Cannon Fodder in modern Zombie movies ^^

  25. Bobby Crosby Says:

    From the link I gave in my previous comment, about the town that the movie will be shot in: “The racial makeup of the town was 98.60% White, 0.70% Asian, and 0.70% from two or more races.” Also, we haven’t seen all of the survivors yet.

  26. jen Says:

    ha! yes, token Asians could be there! 😀

  27. Tegu Says:


  28. Amanda Says:

    I am liking this comic more and more. I love vampires. Now, time for more reading.

  29. hitoshura Says:

    zombie always win .

    what’s the point of this story ?

    yes i like the art but….
    how can you seriously give blood to those
    vampires ? that’s stupid , imho .

    sorry for my bad english .

  30. Icalasari Says:

    Hundreds isn’t enough for genetic diversity

    Man kind, even if they grouped together all those hundreds, would die out soon enough D:

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