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Page 15: No Time to Chat!

Friday, January 26th, 2007

I love the look on the zombie’s face in the first panel after he gets his head cut off by the vampire. Looks kind of happy, like he’s about to eat a lot of nachos. The next page on Monday features a very cool looking fat zombie.

15 Responses to “Page 15: No Time to Chat!”

  1. Mewt Says:

    He is, of course, obviously thinking, ‘Hey, Nachos!’ and considering the delicious gooey pleasure innately a part of Nachos therein.

  2. Grogo67 Says:

    Hmm…Tom Cruise for the male Vamp? Jack Black for the fat one? 😀

  3. Lydia Says:

    I think he said fat ZOMBIE. oO Oh, and I’m so glad the male vampire is a cutie! ^_^

  4. garfalk Says:

    i have but one suggestion:
    don’t cast people who are too mainstream.
    they’ll want to be paid massive amounts, and they bring bad sterotypes..

  5. peadar Says:

    have you considered the swords that the vampires will be using. the different makes of sword were designed with different purposes in mind so just for an interesting touch hows about including a european headsman sword which was popular in france always look for the right tools for the job hers a sword that was just designed for taking off heads

    also the sword style used by the vampires would reveal a great deal about there age where they trained and also the social class in many cases.

  6. Mewt Says:


    A vampire using a crowbar is obviously from Brooklyn.

  7. OLLLIe Says:

    awww damn
    did anyone check out how
    devilishly handsome that vampire is?

    yo, question;
    since you have vampires and zombies in this
    are you EVER going to maybe toss in some
    werewolfness just for fun
    cause thatd be geekinly awsome
    to an extent

  8. Bobby Crosby Says:

    No werewolves. Definitely just humans, vampires and zombies.

  9. Barbara Says:

    That’s a great story. Waiting for more. »

  10. RegularJoe5 Says:

    curse of the undead male ~ he’s hot! maybe sean maher or wes bentley?


  11. Katticus Says:


  12. Katticus Says:

    ? my last post everything after the heart disappeared. hmmm…

  13. Bobby Crosby Says:

    WordPress hates those heart symbols and often deletes everything after them — it’s annoying. Best to not use them on here, just in case.

  14. Altair Says:

    Christian Bale. Totally Christian Bale.


  15. Tegu Says:


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