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Page 14: Something Actually Happens

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

Look, vampires!  That lady vampire is pretty hot.  Don’t have a name for her yet, so I’m taking requests.  Please make a comment below to give your suggestion.  This actress is one of my top choices right now to play her.  She submitted herself for April, but I think she’s better suited in this role, which will be a fairly important one.

35 Responses to “Page 14: Something Actually Happens”

  1. nerd_jacob Says:

    Mac’s gonna be sorry he missed this party! How about Adrianna for the female vampire? Just Google some goth names or something. That should yield results 😛

  2. Sean Says:

    She has red hair, so Autumn is cool i guess.
    Other cool names: Raven, Destiny, Nikita, Nicole, or maybe eastern name like Atosa (persian, girl that rides a horse), or Leila (arabic, means night).

  3. MathijsBuster Says:

    How about Gladys or Lydian?
    Sean’s suggestion of Raven or Nikita sounds good too, but maybe a little too stereotypically for a vampire. xD

    That’s either a good or a bad thing.

  4. Alex Says:

    I say you should name her Emily or Luna. I think those are both really nice names.

  5. Pete Says:

    Wait, wait, do these suggestions imply that only goth girls with vampire-y names become vampires? Or that once an attractive woman becomes a vampire she picks an obscure (or counter culture sounding) name?
    Buck the trend and make a joke out of it.
    Jenn. Sarah. Kristen.

    Great comic, by the way!

  6. woran Says:

    Hm… I would like a rather unusual name for her. She is a skilled fighter, so Mele?

  7. Dmitriy Says:

    How’s about Zayla?

  8. Vico Surge Says:

    Wow, this comic is really awesome, so far I’m loving how bad ass the zombies look and the gore so far. Keep up the good work man!

  9. Angie Says:

    I picture her with a less goth-like name. I like Adrianna. Something old fashioned would suit a vampire too, Irma, Charlotte, Miriam… something biblic? Sarah, Judith, Maria, Hanna…

  10. Pat Says:

    Just throwin’ a few out here, but i was thinking maybe Trisha, or Brenda (Gaelic meaning raven haired maiden) or give her a goddess’ name like Aphrodite, or Hera. Just my 2 cents

  11. Bumtown Says:

    Actually, I think she kinda looks like a Valerie. Spell that correctly if I didn’t.

  12. Jeff Says:

    Oh my God, I love that actress… I’ve got a thing for red heads >.

  13. Kevin Says:

    Don’t go for something cliched and pretentious (like goth names).
    Perhaps try a more common name, but a foreign version (like Eastern European)
    e.g. lithuanian ‘Ona’ instead of Latinate ‘Anna’
    so you’d have something deceptively uncommon

  14. Jay Says:


  15. Owen Says:

    Midian is a great name, and it’s a Clive Barker reference which is cool. I think snagging a name from a song is maybe a good idea. Maybe something in the goth music area like; Helena (MCR), Judith, Brena, Magdelena(APC), Lilian (DM). There’s tons of options.

  16. OLLLIe Says:

    kkk, lillix
    best name ever
    and it kinda suits a redhead
    i wish i could be in this movie cause thatd be freakin sweet
    but us freakin canadians are stuck in the cold

  17. garfalk Says:

    it should be sexy and exotic, like chloe, or something.

  18. Mikey Says:

    I think Devi would be nice

  19. Grogo67 Says:

    How about Vampirella? Wait…that’s one’s already been used… 🙂

  20. AunnaTalla Says:

    A red headed vampire… now here is the question was she born a vampire or turned, that would make a difrence on her name. if she was born one i would say something along the lines of Viata. sexy and deadly.

  21. Mewt Says:

    … ‘Born’ a vampire?

    I know that -some- fantasy games allow stupid stuff like that, but honestly. The entire concept of a vampire is that the body is dead, the soul is gone, and the body is animated by some sort of dark magics that preserve their body all except the iron / blood content. They -aren’t- capable of reproduction, rightfully.

    Also, I was about to vote Cecelia because she looked like this chick who dumped me a long time ago, until I remember Sore Thumbs… Drat.

    Well, you could still named her Cecelia and just dye her hair pink as a subtle reference for all the fans!

  22. Grogo67 Says:

    Use an online Vampire name generator. Using the one at
    I got a good list of 25 modern female vamp names.

    Angela Bloodsworth
    Angelica Aguilar
    Angeline Cornelius
    Aurora Carpathia
    Celeste Cole
    Celeste Constantine
    Christine Carpathia
    Christine Cross
    Deidre Blood
    Elenor Borgia
    Grace Christiansen
    Isabel Cole
    Josephine Corona
    Julia Cornelius
    Kristina Aguilar
    Lenore Bright
    Misty Cervantes
    Natasha Bloodworth
    Opal Christiansen
    Rose Crowley
    Rosetta Bloodsworth
    Samantha Delarosa
    Valerie Breedlove
    Victoria Crowley
    Violet Church

  23. Grogo67 Says:

    If budget were not an issue who would be your ultimate #1 pick for the female Vampire? I’d get Dita Von Teese.

  24. Bobby Crosby Says:

    A name has been chosen, and it was suggested in the comments here. Thanks! You’ll probably see it in the comic next week.

    Grogo, I like Jennifer Tilly, although she might not be athletic enough for the role.

  25. Lydia Says:

    How about Josephine? And maybe Josie is an annoying nickname she doesn’t like. Michelle sounds nice too.. Sarah, Victoria, Camellia. Those names popped up when I saw the actress’ picture…. I think a more “conventional” name would work. I mean, who says vampires *must* pick a cheesy alias? :p

  26. Sleepy_demon Says:


  27. Grogo67 Says:

    Bobby, I agree with about Jennifer Tilly. Even if she were trim enough I think her voice would not be in line with the character’s image. I loved her in Bride of Chucky though!

  28. Redrover Says:


    Thats a zombie. Vampires are sentient – which means they are not reanimated. They’re humans inflicted with a disease (the ‘vampire bite’) which causes them to become undead.


    My vote goes for Mehgan. (Megan, without the lameness.)

  29. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I’ll just let you know now so the suggestions can stop!


  30. Bumtown Says:

    PWNED! My suggestion made it into a comic! *dance the dance of sexy vampire naming which he just made up*

  31. Lamort Says:

    Aww, and I had my heart set on Steve 🙁 😛

  32. Tegu Says:


  33. Genesis Phrigustus Says:

    Personally i like the idea of a non-gothic name for this vampire as well if a name has not been chosen. Something simple and beautiful to match her brutal nature as a vampire but still something calm to match the affection people may feel for her…something calm like Rose or something victorian would match her looks and actions nicely.

    I just started reading this comic today so i am way behind on everything but i still feel like contributing the best i can.

  34. Dread Wizard Gregor the Mildly Deleterious Says:

    Redrover- Actually, the original ‘vampyre’ was really more like a zombie than the poshified, skin tight black leather and/ or satin and silk clad Lestats of the modern era. They were dead corpses, had little intelligence, and wandered about aimlessly, drinking blood. They were a rotten bunch, all in all. Pardon the pun. Over time, they went from the mindlessly shuffling dead people to the sophisticated and intelligent (but still undead) Dracula type. Then they somehow turned into some kind quasi-undead immortal super powered race of supermodels with no weaknesses.

    And these days they sparkle, too.

    -Gregor the Mildly Deleterious (and dreaded) Wizard of the Guild of Lurkers, High Snarkmaster.

    Anyways, this may be years later, but Mewt was right. Too bad, the Vampy Babiez cartoon would’ve made millions.

  35. Atan Says:

    katana = pure pownage against zombies!! it’s like cutting butter with a white hot knife yay

    I would have suggested Eve or Dawn or Kyra

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