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Page 9: Scotch and Porn

Friday, January 12th, 2007

OK, the boring part’s over.  Something will actually happen in the next page!  Very exciting.  Really good art for that page, too, by Owen Gieni.  I’d show you now, but I’ve been told that I’m giving away too many spoilers.  So make sure you come back Monday.

I love the look of Grady.  Owen does a great job on him.  He has a couple great expressions on the next page too.  But Murdo should be owning next week.  I’ve really got to start getting ahead more on the writing, as I haven’t even written Page 11 yet, but I’m pretty sure Murdo’s gonna be showing off his skills.

I wonder if Mac will actually come back tonight.  It would be sad if he doesn’t!  You should all pray for his safety.

8 Responses to “Page 9: Scotch and Porn”

  1. Jeff Says:

    First, off, nice work on Dolly in +ev, i love the way she eats one, and then chews it (second panel) seems like she’s very smart…

    Anyway, onto Last blood. Like i said, there are way lots of spoilers in this comic, but things have started to change a bit. Instead of myself fearing that, upon hearing we’ll see a zombie in the strips 10-15, that i will be bored when seeing the zombie, I’m actually looking forward to it. (Axe!).

    And also, why no birds or trees?

    Oh, and you might want to put a warning page as the entrance to Last blood, as this comic is clearly shaping up to become unsuitable for minors.

  2. Bobby Crosby Says:

    At least two trees are visible in this page, and there’s a very cool looking tree in the first panel of the next page. No answer about birds — just haven’t seen any. Nothing of interest there.

    Sorry, no axe fun any time soon.

    Warning page not needed. It’s the internet. People will look at whatever they want anyway.

    Glad you liked today’s “+EV.”

  3. Jeff Says:

    I meant trees as full, luscious, beautiful objects displaying certain matematical formulas… Not dead, brown sticks still rooted into the ground =D

  4. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Ah, I see. I don’t know much about trees, but this is supposed to be mid-October, if that means anything. Also, the zombies made the trees sad and ugly.

  5. Mewt Says:

    They’d just be turning colors Mid-October. Put some leaves on those trees, darnit!

    But I definately like this thing so far. The concept of the supernatural fighting over a human life source just amuses me in any case. We are the cattle that go Moo.

  6. Jeff Says:

    Hehe… Cattle… Have any of you ever played Morrowind? When you’re a vampire you get access to human ‘cattle’ to feed off.

    A bit off topic, but hey, that’s me.

  7. Tegu Says:


  8. Atan Says:

    why does he go on his own?? that aint logic now you dont have someone to watch your back while you are scavenging…

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