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Page 3: Sharks and Bikinis

Friday, December 29th, 2006

Uh oh, I think one of those girls is about to get eaten. I hope the girl with the camera takes a really good picture of the carnage. This scene should be fun to film. Anyone feel like coming to L.A. in the summer and playing the zombie? Or the beach girls? E-mail me if you do!  This will probably be the first scene shot, and one of the only scenes filmed in California.  The rest will take place at a school building in South Dakota, which is where the surviving humans from a small town are holed up.  You’ll see more about that starting on page five.

12 Responses to “Page 3: Sharks and Bikinis”

  1. Sarah Says:

    ^ ^ Wish I could travel to California to help. I just wanted to say that I’m already attached to this graphic novel, I can’t wait for more updates. Great luck on filming, it sounds like it will be excellent.

  2. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Thanks, Sarah. If South Dakota’s closer to you, go there instead for principal photography! We’re gonna need all the help we can get. Everyone should have at least one week in their life when they’re covered in fake blood.

  3. keii Says:

    yea, wish this was closer to dc. would totally be a bikini girl if i was out in that area. i really like the idea, there should be more zombie&vampire movies. good luck with filming and such.

  4. Sam Says:

    Hey, Bobby when is the filming going to be in South Dakota? I would love to be in this movie!

  5. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Nothing’s set yet, but I’d say there’s about a 75% chance that I’ll actually be able to make the movie this year, and if that happens, it will most likely be in September/October, before it gets too cold in South Dakota (Cresbard, near Aberdeen).

  6. Sam Says:

    Well if you are still looking for people I can get you at least 5. As long as you post the filming somewhere.

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Hey, that’s cool, Sam, and will be much appreciated! I’m gonna hold you to that, so try not to forget! Keep checking this site and I’ll be giving all information on shooting dates in SD and such when the time comes, and I’ll probably be putting a call out for actors and extras in the SD newspapers as well. I’m gonna need a LOT of people.

  8. Rawr Says:

    TFZ TFZ TFZ!!!!!

  9. DarkKnight412 Says:

    This comic ROCKS. I love it!

  10. Brittani Says:

    hey this comic is awesome, im falling in love, wish i could help out but i live way to far away and i dont see any punk rocker chicks yet.

  11. Cheska Says:

    It’d be just awesomesauce if one the sharks took a bite out of TFZ. Averting the end of the world! And why don’t the waves have any effect on him, anyways?!

    Well I’ve just read through all the archives… gotta say that this, along with Marry Me, is an awesome comic. Maybe you have an account on deviantart or myspace with which to better keep track of you?

  12. Tegu Says:


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